Parish, Town and County Councils

There are 24 Parish and Town Councils within Mid Sussex. They deliver local services which may include, allotments, cemeteries, off-street parking, parish lighting, parks, recreation grounds and open spaces.

Close working between local authorities is important for a joined up provision for the local community.

You are also represented on the West Sussex County Council by twelve elected Members. Their contact details can be located on the main webpage for West Sussex County Council:

Declarations of Parish, Town and County Council Members' interests can be found on the appropriate Parish, Town or County Council website.

You can find the contact details for the Parish and Town Clerks below:

West Hoathly Parish Council


Main webpage for West Hoathly Parish Council:


Register of Interests



Leanne Andrews

Parish Clerk
The Village Hall
North Lane
West Hoathly, West Sussex
RH19 4QG

Work Phone: 01342 811301
