The forward plan is a list of the council’s key decisions that will be made over the next one to four months. These decisions will be made by either the Cabinet or by officers who have been delegated authority by the Cabinet.
The plan includes a short description of the decision to be made; who will make it; when the decision will be taken; details of the planned consultation with local people and other stakeholders; and contact details for further information (including reports and background papers). If you wish to make a representation on any item on the Forward Plan, please email the relevant Director by the representation deadline date, as listed on the printed plan.
You can visit the previous forward plans page to view forward plans prior to 2018.
Meetings of the Council are normally open to the public. Here Councillors decide the Council's overall policies and set the budget each year. Annually, the Council appoints a Cabinet for decision making purposes and a number of Council Committees. The Council is responsible for the overall policy framework and budget. The full agenda will be published at least 5 clear working days prior to the meeting.