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Scrutiny Committee for Community, Housing and Planning
Scrutiny Committee for Community, Leisure and Parking
Scrutiny Committee for Customer Services and Service Delivery
Scrutiny Committee for Leader, Deputy Leader & Housing and Customer Service
Scrutiny Committee for Leader, Resources and Economic Growth
Scrutiny Committee for Planning, Economic Growth and Net Zero
Scrutiny Committee People and Communities
Scrutiny Committee Place and Environment
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Avery, Councillor Malcolm Avery
Bashar, Councillor Abdul Bashar
Bates, Councillor Richard Bates
Belsey, Councillor John Belsey
Belsey, Councillor Margaret Belsey
Bennett, Councillor Alison Bennett
Berggreen, Councillor Kristian Berggreen
Brown, Councillor Paul Brown
Carvalho, Councillor Lorraine Carvalho
Casella, Councillor Graham Casella
Chapman, Councillor Peter Chapman
Cherry, Councillor Christine Cherry
Clarke, Councillor Rod Clarke
Cooke, Councillor Anne-Marie Cooke
Cornish, Councillor Matthew Cornish
Dabell, Councillor John Dabell
Edwards, Councillor Jenny Edwards
Eggleston, Councillor Robert Eggleston
Eggleton, Councillor David Eggleton
Ellis, Councillor Sandy Ellis
Eves, Councillor Anne Eves
Farren, Councillor Lee Farren
Gibson, Councillor Ian Gibson
Hatton, Councillor Sue Hatton
Henwood, Councillor Janice Henwood
Hicks, Councillor Simon Hicks
Hitchcock, Councillor John Hitchcock
Hobbs, Councillor Chris Hobbs
Hussain, Councillor Tofojjul Hussain
Jackson, Councillor Rodney Jackson
Kennedy, Councillor Mike Kennedy
Kenny, Councillor Paul Kenny
Knight, Councillor Jim Knight
Lucraft, Councillor Paul Lucraft
Marsh, Councillor Gary Marsh
Miah, Councillor Mustak Miah
Mockford, Councillor Julie Mockford
Pascoe, Councillor Duncan Pascoe
Peacock, Councillor Adam Peacock
Phillips, Councillor Christopher Phillips
Platts, Councillor Anthony Platts
Prescott, Councillor Eric Prescott
Rees, Councillor Alison Rees
Russell, Councillor Jacquie Russell
Sweatman, Councillor Dick Sweatman
Whittaker, Councillor Rex Whittaker
Wood, Councillor Cavan Wood
Zeidler, Councillor Geoff Zeidler
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period