Agenda item

Corporate Grant Schemes


Elaine Clarke, Community Leisure Officer, introduced the report for East Grinstead Sports Club (EGSC) which requested the Panel to consider and decide upon the applicant’s request to vary the details of the project to improve the facilities at the East Grinstead Sports Club. She directed the Panel’s attention to the applicants whom wished to provide a presentation to the Panel.


Kevin Ellis, Treasurer of East Grinstead Sports Club, presented the work on the development of a new strategy which was formulated following an agreement with the TLC (liaison committee which includes representatives from the cricket, badminton, football, hockey, squash and netball clubs). The TLC believes the proposed changes seek to better cater for their customer base and the improvement would maximise the use of the facilities.


Gary Needle, Chairman of East Grinstead Sports Club, highlighted that there is a need to make the gym more accessible. He confirmed that the LED lights, heating and ventilation can be achieved within the original budget and although the proposed changes does result in a bigger spend, he reassured the Panel that the differences can be financed by the charity’s funds.


Duncan Kerr, Chief Executive of Wave Leisure, confirmed that the key aim is to deliver to community, in which the equipment that the organisation is looking to provide is different to that of other gyms with a focus on health development. They also intend to appoint the correct staff to deliver the right aims.


A Member noted that Wave Leisure sometimes refers their customers to the NHS however Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) also provides the same service. He enquired what makes their service different to that provided by MSDC.


The Chief Executive of Wave Leisure explained that the organisation is good at getting commission services through the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and believe what they are providing to be a more complimentary service rather than a competitive service. He added that the GP referral programme is focused on the provision of gym and swimming use however Wave Leisure would like to provide a different programme where they directly work with the individual to induct them into the gym and support them throughout the process.


A Member drew attention to the original grant in which the grant was requested due to a ‘desperate need’ to upgrade the changing rooms and wondered whether the changing rooms are still in a ‘desperate need’ or whether there was never actually a need for the them to be upgraded.


The Chief Executive of Wave Leisure confirmed that the TLC is looking to increase the use of the gym which would then be followed by improvements to the changing rooms as they are taking a more time-focused approach within the strategy.


The Chairman noted the gym equipment and its specialisation. He questioned whether the organisation has guarantees that the stakeholders will use the equipment.


The Chief Executive of Wave Leisure could not confirm that the stakeholders will use the equipment however stated that the improvements would make the gym more attractive to the stakeholders.


The Vice-Chairman noted in the previous report that there would a liaison committee in which reports would go to and feedback would be done. He sought clarification on whether this process was in place.


The Treasurer of East Grinstead Sports Club confirmed that TLC had brought together all stakeholders with representatives from Wave Leisure, East Grinstead Sports Club and the Charity all part of the committee. Contents of the grant application were determined by and with the committee as well as the committee drafting the masterplan which includes the proposal to improve the gym facility.


The Vice-Chairman enquired what the relationship will be between Health and Wellbeing and the gym.


The Chief Executive of Wave Leisure clarified that Wave Leisure have  been successful with Lewes District Council and East Sussex County Council in which they have supported those with conditions to engage in physical activity and have built a support group to create a pathway into the gym environment whilst also giving them support throughout.


The Vice-Chairman requested a recess to consider a legal matter in private with the legal representative before continuing on with the debate.


[The Panel recessed at 1:45 p.m. and returned at 1:50 p.m.]


The Cabinet Member for Service Delivery confirmed that after seeking legal advice from the Council’s legal representative, that there may be a professional conflict as his role as a Cabinet Member for Service Delivery which oversees the delivery of leisure in Mid Sussex would be in direct competition with the applicant. He confirmed that he would remove himself from the remainder of the discussion and voting on the item.


The Chairman raised his concerns that the equipment has a finite use and the equipment will eventually need to be replaced. He suggested that the original grant can be approved or that the applicants come back with a revised proposal.


The Treasurer of East Grinstead Sports Club explained that the Sports Club wanted to put both options on the table and be transparent in the way in which the Club wanted to develop itself. He confirmed that the gym refurbishment can be done in another way and was happy to proceed with the original proposal.


Members were not supportive of the application.




The Panel refused the applicants request to vary the details of the project to improve the facilities at the East Grinstead Sport Club.


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