Agenda item

Financial Statements 2021/22.


Louise Duffield, Director or Resources and Organisational Development gave a brief introduction to the reports, the audit of the 2021/22 accounts is complete resulting in an unqualified opinion. She noted that the 22/23 accounts are now available for public inspection..


Katie Lean, Ernst & Young (EY) introduced the reports, noting the Mid Sussex District Council Audit Results Report would be presented first, followed by Auditors Annual Report. She highlighted the key areas of work including, changes to the planned audit procedures, additional audit procedures and status. The report sets out the key areas of audit work and focus and the significant risks and recommendations. She noted the valuation of property investment work and the adjustment to the accounts as a result of the pension liability valuation. In terms of risk assessment to value for money none have been identified.


Kevin Suter, Ernst & Young (EY) advised Members an objection to the 2021/22 accounts had been received in relation to Compliance of Contract Regulations. EY established the payments were below the Public Contract Regulations thresholds. Having completed their enquiries the objection was rejected for further consideration based on the above.


He advised information had also been received from a member of the public regarding severance payments to the former s151 officer. EY reviewed the matters which required extensive investigating and resulted in no challenge to the Councils payments, this was at a significant cost to the Council to undertake this work.


In relation to the severance payments investigation a Member asked for clarity on the final fees 2021/22 and planned fees 2020/21 figures at p78 of the report. Katie Lean advised the planned fees 2020/21 should be the final fees 2020/21. Kevin Suter confirmed this and the report would be updated and reissued.


In response to the Chairmans query regarding external audit costs and fees on p140 of the report, Kevin Suter advised the additional fees would be reflected in the 2022/23 set of accounts with a disclosure notice.


In relation to p55, paragraph 7 of the report and the conclusions made by E&Y, a Member asked how this would be avoided in future. The Director of Resources and Organisational Development advised steps had been taken. She noted that the 2020/21 and 2021/22 Audit reports had been issued in quick succession hence the repeated similar points. She advised steps have been taken to address this for the future, though noting that the matter was not a material value.


Katie Lean, gave a brief summary of the Auditors Annual Report which brings together the work of E&Y and sets out the results and findings of this work, in relation to value for money.  


As there were no further questions, the Chairman took Members to a vote on the recommendations, which were agreed with 5 in favour.




The Committee:



i.          Agreed the Auditors Annual Report having considered the Audit Results report;

ii.         Approved the Financial Statements and Letter of Representation for the year ending 31 March 2021;

iii.         Agreed that the Chair sign the above on behalf of the Committee.


Supporting documents: