Agenda item

DM/22/2012 - Land to West of Goldcrest Drive, Sayers Meadow, Sayers Common, West Sussex - land adjacent to BN6 9EH.


Steve King, Planning Applications Team Leader  introduced the application for full planning permission for the erection of a 2 storey, 66 bed care home for older people with associated access, 25 car parking spaces and landscaping.  He highlighted the agenda update sheet which detailed comments from the Parish Council, the ecological consultant who had no objections subject to some additional conditions, final comments from the Highway Authority who requested minor changes to the Travel Plan, amendments to conditions 3, 8 & 14 were put forward and three new informatives.  He noted that the site is within the built-up area of Sayers Common and the site to the west had been allocated for residential development in the Site Allocations DPD with planning permission granted for residential development.  The extensive planning history of the site was detailed in the report and the principle of development had been established. He highlighted the sustainability of the site, the drainage scheme was the same principle as the consented scheme, the Urban Designer was satisfied with the amendments to the scheme, and the Highway Authority had no objections. The care home would provide specialist accommodation of which there is a clear need.


Mrs Jo Kemp, Agent spoke in support of the application.


The Chairman noted that the consented application for 70 bed care could still be built.


Councillor Trumble, Ward Member for Hurstpierpoint and Downs expressed concern over the design of the building and whether the site was in a sustainable location. However, the Ward Member stated the principle of the development had been established.


Councillor Jackson, Ward Member for Hurstpierpoint and Downs expressed concerns with the drainage of the site highlighting condition 3 and whether there would be sufficient car parking spaces and adequate provision of public transport.  


Members also discussed the width of the access road, access for refuse vehicles, emergency evacuation of residents on the upper floor, transportation of staff to the care home, the experience of the applicant in providing care homes, and the accessibility around the site.


The Team Leader confirmed the access road is the same width as the existing access road, a turning head was incorporated in the design, and the Highway Authority advised a refuse truck would be able to turn around.  Officers were satisfied that the design complied with planning policies, the Urban Designer had no objections, the scheme was fit for purpose, and the Parish Council had commented on a path that was outside the application site. The drainage engineer had expressed concern that the close boarded fencing might impede the surface water flow; however, planning conditions on drainage and the boundary design would alleviate those concerns.  He noted that at the time of the site visit a blockage in the drainage system outside the site had been discovered which would be brought to the attention of the site manager to resolve. The car parking provision was similar to the consented scheme, reducing single occupancy trips in cars would be part of the Travel Plan and there was sufficient space to park on the adjacent local roads.


The Chairman welcomed the design of the care home and highlighted that the car parking provision had been approved under reserved matters. 


Councillor Marsh welcomed the application and noted the schedule of bus services to the site and advised he would second the application.


The Chairman noted that no Member wished to speak so moved to the recommendation to approve the application with amended conditions, it was proposed by Councillor Trumbleand seconded by Councillor Marsh, which was unanimously agreed.




That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix A, the amendments in the agenda update sheet and the completion of a Unilateral Undertaking to secure an appropriate Travel Pan.

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