Agenda item

DM/22/2576 - Millwood, East Street, Turners Hill, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 4QQ.


Hamish Evans, Planning Officer introduced the report which sought planning permission for the change of use of the land for the provision of secure dog walking facilities, new dog grooming parlour, new access, car parking area and internal vehicular access route. He drew Members attention to the details contained in the Agenda Update sheet, including a summary of representations and the additional condition of a maximum of 12 dogs using the facilities at one time. The Planning Officer outlined the issues which were set out in the report and advised that officers considered that the effect on the   landscape was acceptable, that the impact on neighbours amenities would be acceptable and that there was not a highway safety reason to resist the application.


Gareth Williams spoke against the application.


Richard Collins spoke for the application.


The Chairman asked for clarification on the status of the Neighbourhood Plan. Steve King, Planning Team Leader confirmed as set out in the report, that the Neighbourhood Plan was adopted prior to the current version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). He explained that if a Neighbourhood Plan pre -dated the NPPF and contained policies that conflicted with the NPPF, reduced weight would be afforded to the Neighbourhood Plan policies He explained that in this case however, there were no policies in the Neighbourhood Plan that were relevant to the determination of this application which were in conflict with the NPPF. As such full weight could be afforded to the Neighbourhood Plan.


Members discussed the application in detail, specifically the use of the land and the proposed hours of business. A Member asked if the land would still be used by the   Police for the training/walking of their dogs, the Planning Officer confirmed this would be the decision of the applicant. In response to a query regarding over night stays, the Planning Officer confirmed this was not included in the application and this was not an application for kennels.


A Member raised concerns regarding the sustainability of the business model, the impact on the fields, specifically dog waste, the impact on the High Weald AONB and installing adequate fencing to deter deer. The Planning Officer reminded Members their duty was to consider the planning application not the financial sustainability of the business. He confirmed as part of the conditions, appropriate dog bin facilities could be installed, and the site falls outside of the High Weald AONB.


The Chairman asked officers to clarify if the application includes dog training, the Planning Officer confirmed dog training would be permissible as part the application. In response to a Member query, Paula Slinn, Legal Officer advised that although the Police has previously used the land for dog training, a change of application was required as this previous use was infrequent and didn’t amount to a change of use of the land.


A Member raised concerns regarding highways matters and that Parish Councillors should be more involved in the process on the assessment of the roads as they perhaps had more local knowledge than the Highways Authority. The Planning Team Leader clarified the procedures for consulting the Highway Authority. He advised that this was a procedural matter that could be looked at outside of the Planning Committee meeting.


The Chairman raised concerns regarding the dog walking opening hours and potential noise nuisance for nearby residential units. Members discussed the proposed hours of business and suggested alternative hours of business. The Planning Team Leader advised the conditions could be amended to include revised opening times, however, this should not be so restrictive, that it takes away the benefit of the planning permission. The Planning Officer confirmed of the 3 fields, that the applicants had advised that priority use would be given to fields 1 and 2, followed by field 3 which is the nearest to the affected residential units. The Planning Officer made it clear however that the application was seeking consent to use all 3 fields and if the application was approved this is what the applicant would be entitled to do.


The Chairman took Members to a vote on the proposed amendment to Appendix A, that a maximum of 12 dogs can use the facilities at one time with the following amended opening times; 9am – 6pm Sundays during the Summer, 9am – 4pm Sundays during the Winter, 7am -7pm Monday to Saturday all other times of the year and closed on Bank and public Holidays. This was proposed by the Vice Chairman, Councillor Coote and seconded by Councillor Dabell and approved with 10 in favour and 2 against.




The planning permission was approved subject to the conditions set in Appendix A as amended.

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