Agenda item

DM/22/2553 - Burgess Hill Northern Arc, Land North and North West of Burgess Hill, Between Bedelands Nature Reserve in the East and Goddard's Green Waste Water Treatment Works in the West - Land Adjacent to RH15 8RA.


Louise Yandell, Northern Arc Strategic Development Delivery Manager introduced the application for reserved matters, pursuant to outline application DM18/5114 for the erection of a secondary school, including specialist support centre, car parking (including electric vehicle charging), cycle parking, drop off area, access, multi-use games area, all weather pitch, substation, bin storage, means of enclosure and lighting, with associated landscaping and infrastructure She noted that usually the reserved matters application would be dealt with under delegated authority but as the application has been made by West Sussex County Council the Council’s scheme of delegations required the Committee to consider the application. She highlighted that the high sustainability credentials of the site exceed the current requirements of the Council. She drew attention to the Agenda Update Sheet which included an additional representation from West Sussex County Council, responses from additional consultees and amendments to the conditions.  


Lydia Schilbach, Applicant spoke in support of the application. 


The Chairman thanked the planning officers for arranging a visit for members to view the site, noted no objections had been received and reiterated the application’spassivhaus certification will exceed current sustainability policy requirements.  


Members discussed the design of the school as it was not fully compliant with the Northern Arc Design Guide / Master Plan and highlighted the Design Review Panel’s (DRP) comments.  They also expressed concern on the expected longevity of the building, how the site would be laid out regarding the different stages of  education, and the effect of noise and lighting from the play areas on local residents.   


The Northern Arc Strategic Development Delivery Manager advised the orientation the school has been amended due to the passivehauscertification and sustainability of the scheme.  She confirmed the Urban Designer considered the building to be well designed even though the design did not fully meet the design guide and officers felt the change was justified. With regards to the use of the play areas in the evenings the applicant is happy with proposed restrictions to protect local residents. The longevity of the building is a construction issue.  The application before the Committee is only for the secondary school as the primary school will located on a separate site but run by the same operator 


Members also discussed artificial surfaces for the sports provision and expressed concern over the temperature of the lighting, biodiversity,drainageand electric vehicle charging points (ECVs)   


The Officer confirmed the running track would be on the top of the grass pitches to utilise the available space and be dual purpose. She advised an additional condition could be added to require the full details of the sports pitch lighting so officers can ensure they comply with requirements and condition 6 on biodiversity requires a biodiversity enhancement strategy along with timescales.  The Q-bar drainage rate is the rate at which a site drains if it was an existing green field. The full details of the drainage strategy must be provided to meet a condition on the outline planning permission before development can commence on the site. Condition 15 covers ECVs and the Committee recommended more active ECVs should be installed.  

In response to questions on transport and cycle storage, the Officer confirmed that transport modelling had been completed as part of the outline planning permission which recognised associated vehicular movements for the site and a large number ofcovered cycle spaces would be provided with extra space allocated to expand the facility She confirmed some comments of the DRP had not been resolved following further improvements to the application, but the panel had congratulated the applicant on the amendments made since their initial meeting in January. On balance the officers were happy that the majority of the DRP concerns had been addressed 


Nick Rogers, Head of Development Management confirmed the DRP is processed in accordance with a code of practice, Ward Members are involved in the meetings at an early stage and all comments are published on the application file. This provides a local view on applications.  


A Member welcomed the application noting the site delivery and infrastructure, they thanked the stake holders and noted the collaboration process for the application.  


The Chairman noted that no Member wished to speak so moved to the recommendation to approve the application with amended conditions, it was proposed by Councillor Coote and seconded by Councillor Forbes, which was unanimously agreed. 




That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix A additional conditions,amended conditionsin the Agenda Update Sheet and an additional condition securing details of the lighting around the sports pitches. 


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