Agenda item

Performance Monitoring for the Second Quarter of 2022/23.


Louise Duffield, Director of Resources and Organisational Development, introduced the report noting that overall performance was generally very strong.


Members discussed the new electric charging point data. Rob Anderton, Assistant Director Commercial Services and Contracts confirmed that discussions were underway with West Sussex County Council and Connected Kerb with regard to data reporting and a more comprehensive picture should be available in 3-6 months’ time.


Ground maintenance online surveys were discussed in detail, action taken at particular sites as a result of the feedback, and ways in which the online survey could be promoted to residents in terms of signage and QR codes. Sally Blomfield, Assistant Director Planning and Sustainable Economy confirmed that the Council has commissioned Visitor Insights to provide granular detail on the three shopping centres and five largest villages within the District and footfall and dwell time are increasing healthily. These have been shared with the Parishes involved and it was agreed to share the details again.


The capacity issues with the Green Waste scheme were discussed. Road cleaning was also discussed. The Assistant Director Commercial Services and Contracts confirmed that the effectiveness of the street cleansing operations is regularly assessed by contract monitoring officers.


The Committee discussed the complaints and compliments indicators noting that the number of complaints had increased. The Director of People and Commercial Services noted that the figures vary during the year dependant on the services involved and that a full report will be presented to the Scrutiny Committee in the new year. The Cabinet Member also acknowledged that the volume of work carried out by departments such as Revenues and Benefits should be taken into consideration when reviewing complaint indicators.  


Discussion also focused on the number of people who are homeless or in temporary accommodation and those who are listed as High Priority Band A. It was confirmed that there is an Officer in post to assist households into private rental accommodation but that it is very difficult to place people as there are not may properties available within the District. The Director of Resources and Organisational Development agreed to provide details of the percentage of applicants on the housing register who are in the Armed Forces, and the number of Council staff with an Armed Forces connection, in order to assist in promoting the Armed Forces Covenant.


The Committee discussed the income received from the Leisure Centres and how the Council can ensure that the centres remain successful and financially viable against a backdrop or rising energy costs, the impact of the cost of living crisis, and competition from new budget gym facilities opening within the District. A further report on the subject will be presented to the Scrutiny Committee for Leisure and Parking in November. 


The target set for Planning Enforcement site visits within 10 days was also discussed and it was noted that although this target has been exceeded in the first two quarters of the year, it does need to be set at a level that is realistically aligned to staff resources.


The Chairman took Members to a vote on the recommendations contained in the report which were agreed unanimously.




The Scrutiny Committee:


(i)      Noted the Council’s performance in the second quarter of the year and identified any areas where further reporting or information is required;

(ii)      Advised the Cabinet of any issues that the Committee considers should be given particular consideration at the Cabinet meeting on 21st November 2022.


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