Agenda item

DM/22/0922 - 17 Brook Lane, Lindfield, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1SF.


Caroline Grist, Planning Officer introduced the application, which sought permission to refuse planning permission for first floor front and rear extension to an existing detached chalet bungalow. The property is situated within the built-up area of Lindfield. She presented the application detailing the floor plans. To the front of the property, it is proposed to change the existing storage space above the garage into a bedroom, by increasing the roof heights. To the rear of the property, it is proposed to lift the eaves of the property to create a full first floor across the rear elevation, with a view to enlarging the two existing bedrooms and creating a third bedroom. The Planning Officer drew Members attention to the existing side elevations and proposed elevations and the existing and proposed roof plans. The Officers recommendation is the application be refused as the extensions would undermine the character of the existing property, due to the scale, form and design and due to the spacing of the properties on Brook Lane, would be visible within the street scene which would be harmful to the character of the surrounding area.


Mr Wren, applicant, spoke in favour of the application as the applicant.


Councillor Andrew Lea, Ward Member for Lindfield, spoke in favour of application supporting the decision for it to be brought before the Planning Committee to consider the reasons for refusal with the merits of the application.


For the benefit of the general public, the Chairman had advised Members of the Committee of their code of conduct training should they visit the site.


Members discussed the application, the reasons for the recommendation and the lack of objections from neighbouring residents and the Parish Council to the application. They agreed it was not a large development and many of the properties on the same cul-de-sac had been extended or adapted. The Vice Chairman thanked officers for a very comprehensive report and could not see an issue with granting planning permission. His only comment was the impractical nature of the flat roof design.


The Chairman concluded the discussion having visited the site, advising his view that the impact on neighbouring properties and the current street scene was minimal.


The Chairman suggested amendments to the reasons for refusal as set out at Appendix A, page 105 that:


‘The scale, form and design of the proposed extensions is subordinate and are proportionate additions to the dwelling and does not undermine the character of the existing building. Due to the spacing of properties, the development would not be visible within the street scene and would not create dominant and incongruous additions that would not be harmful to the character of the surrounding area.’


This was proposed by Councillor Coote and seconded by Councillor Forbes. The Chairman took Members to the vote on the proposed amendments to Appendix A, to approve the planning application contrary to the officer recommendation which was agreed with 8 in favour and 1 against.




That planning permission be approved for the reasons, as amended, outlined at Appendix A.


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