Agenda item

DM/21/2509 - Rowfant House, Wallage Lane, Rowfant, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 4NG.


The Chairman informed the Committee that as agreed with officers, there would only be one presentation for item 6 and item 7, as the content of the presentation was identical for both items, although item 7 was dealing with the Listed Building Consent.


Katherine Williams, Planning Officer, introduced the application which sought planning permission for the erection of a marquee within the walled garden, adjacent carpark and modifications to pathway leading to Rowfant House, at Rowfant House, Wallage Lane, Rowfant. She drew Members attention to the Agenda Update Sheet which contained further information of an additional letter of representation that had been received.


The Planning Officer took Members through the detailed presentation and photos of the site, consisting of Rowfant House a Grade II* listed building located off the northern side of Wallage Lane within the countryside and explained that Rowfant House was last in lawful use as a wedding venue and hotel, however, the building is currently vacant. There is an existing bridge leading to a large field consisting of a curtilage listed walled garden with 2 no. static caravans to the south which are used in association with Rowfant House.


The Planning Officer drew Members attention to pages 63-67 of the report outlining the Noise Management Plan (NMP) for the application, detailing the number of event restrictions and noise level limits. The NMP as approved by Environmental Protection will be in place prior to the first event.


Dr James Thring, resident, spoke against the application.


Jonathan Locker-Lampson, resident, spoke against the application


Arron Breedon, Planning Director, spoke in favour of the application.


Councillor Ian Gibson, Ward Member for Crawley Down and Turners Hill, spoke against the application as the adjacent Ward Member, raising concerns regarding access to the site. Steve King, Planning Applications Team Leader, confirmed that although the site was currently vacant the lawful uses of the site could resume which would generate vehicular movements to and from the site. As such an assessment of traffic movements is not starting from a baseline of no traffic movements.


The Chairman asked Ward Members if they wished to speak. Councillor Forbes, Ward Member, thanked officers for the very comprehensive conditions set out at point 6. of Appendix A and for the detailed Noise Management Plan. He stipulated that if planning permission was approved, separate applications would have to be submitted for alcohol and music. Councillor Phillips, Ward Member, noted in response to a speaker, the financial implications of the property were not for consideration at this Committee. He asked for clarification from officers, should planning permission be granted for the marquee, would this then cease if Rowfant House be brought back into use as a wedding venue. He also asked officers that when considering the NMP, noise levels be kept to a minimum and he also sought clarification as to whether the existing arched bridge to the site could withstand the weight of construction traffic.


Planning Applications Team Leader advised the production of the NMP would take a collaborative approach between Planning and Environmental Health and any breaches of planning conditions would be dealt with by the planning department in collaboration with the Environmental Health Officers. If noise constituted a statutory nuisance, it would be dealt with by Environmental Health. The Planning Officer confirmed the arched bridge was in use, however, no survey had been completed. The Planning Application Team Leader emphasised this was a matter of the applicant to investigate and ensure that the bridge was suitable for the intended use.


Members discussed the use of the site and that the existing building, Rowfant House was currently vacant. Members agreed it would be an effective use of the site should it be reopened, bringing employment to the area and discussions were had around restoring Rowfant House. The Planning Officer confirmed Rowfant House was not derelict, but it does need restoring which would be taken into consideration as part of the planning application.


Members discussed the NMP, with one Member having reservations about the potential noise issues of the marquee and expressed concerns that certain matters had not been resolved prior to the presentation of the application.


The Chairman asked officers for clarity in whether there was existing planning permission in place to hold events at Rowfant House and should Rowfant House be reopened would planning permission be withdrawn for the marquee. The Planning Officer confirmed this and drew Members attention to condition 10. page 53 of the report. The Chairman asked the applicant to be reminded of this.


The Chairman asked if there were any further questions, as there were none, he took Members to the vote that planning permission be approved subject to the conditions outlined at Appendix A. This was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by the Vice Chairman, the recommendation was approved with 7 in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention.





That planning permission was approved subject to the conditions outlined at Appendix A.


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