Agenda item

DM/21/3870 - Burgess Hill Northern Arc, Land North and North West of Burgess Hill, between Bedelands Nature Reserve in the East and, Goddard's Green Waste Water Treatment Works in the West.


Louise Yandell, Northern Arc Strategic Development Delivery Manager introduced the reserved matters application to consider access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 247 dwellings, alterations to lowlands farm and its conversion to form 2 dwellings, associated car parking, open space and infrastructure, including an extension to Bedelands nature reserve and provision of the green circle (pedestrian/cycle/equestrian route) and pedestrian/cycle route for sub-phases P1.3, P1.5, P1.6, OS1.5, OS1.6 and part of OS1.1a, OS1.1b and OS1.2N to the east of Isaacs lane and Lowlands Farm at the Northern Arc development on land north and north-west of Burgess Hill.  She highlighted the agenda update sheet which contained additional information and amendments to conditions.


She confirmed that the Northern Arc development received outline planning permission in 2019 and the principle of development had already been established. She highlighted the relevant areas of the development, indicated that a reserved matters application for the remaining areas of parcels OS1.1a, OS1.1b and OS1.2N of the Northern Arc development is expected to be received in the Summer.  She highlighted that this phase of the development will provide 30% affordable housing dispersed throughout the site, parking will meet WSCC standards, landscaped areas would be provided, along with additions to the Green Circle.  The development meets future homes sustainability standards, Part L which exceeds current building regulations, noting the inclusion of PV panels, air source heat pumps and hot water heat pumps where PV is not suitable.  The development will provide a bio-diversity net gain of above 20% by retaining and enhancing existing habitats.  The development will development will deliver towards the Council’s 5-year housing land supply.


Nicholas Milner, Homes England spoke in favour of the application.


James McConnell, spoke in favour of the application.


The Chairman welcomed the application from Homes England and Bellway Homes.


Member discussed the design of the dwellings, poor cycle links to Haywards Heath, and the extension to Bedelands Nature Reserve.  A Member commented on the slurry lagoon noting it was outside the remit of the application.


Members expressed concern over the potential of trailing EV charging leads across pavements, the permanent retention of turning spaces.


The Officer noted that the EVCs were secured by a condition on the outline scheme, and Bellway’s intention is to deliver above current standards. The condition requires full details to be submitted and approved prior to construction, this will ensure a good provision of chargers and positioned appropriately.  On the issue of the turning spaces, a condition can determine the material used to highlight them and an extra condition can require all turning points to be retained in perpetuity of the development.  She advised that hot water heat pumps work in a similar way to air source heat pumps but they only heat water.


The Committee were advised that the transfer of land to extend Bedelands Nature Reserve was secured in the outline planning permission as part of the Section 106 agreement.


The Chairman noted that people wanted sustainable transport and more cycle routes, he thanked the developers.


A Member suggested this application would set a template for the next phases of the Northern Arc development, and they supported the application.


As there were no further questions or contributions the Chairman took the Members to the recommendation.  This was proposed by Councillor Marsh and seconded by Councillor Laband and was unanimously approved.




That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix A and the agenda update sheet.


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