Agenda item

DM/21/3959 - Lydhurst Estate, Warninglid Lane, Warninglid, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 5TG.


Joanne Fisher, Senior Planning Officer introduced the application.  She drew the Members’ attention to the agenda update sheet, noted one extra representation, clarified the position on the impact of the Warninglid Conservation Area, highlighted amendments to conditions 4, 5 and 16 as well as an additional informative..  The application is for a change of use and conversion of estate buildings from residential to assembly and leisure and restaurants and cafes. The new uses that are being proposed are: entrance, reception, restaurant, club room, cookery school, wellness centre, treatment rooms, yoga studio, gym, craft centre, offices, staff facilities, visitor holiday let accommodation, maintenance yard, external swimming pools, children's play area and kids club. Additional information was received on 7th March 2022 concerning an updated transport assessment, arboricultural impact assessment, further details on the 'Dutch Barn' holiday let accommodation, swimming pools and indicative details on the children's play area.    The officer highlighted that the site is within an area of AONB. Whilst the entrance to the site is through a conservation area, this ends at the entrance gates to the site with the nearest buildings some 280 metres away and the car park which is to be landscaped some 219 metres. As such the proposal is not considered to cause detriment to the setting of the Conservation Area. The proposal would result in the change of use to a number of existing buildings resulting in the re-use of existing buildings some with extensions and in some parts the replacement to some buildings of a similar scale and on the same footprint. The ratio of refurbishment of existing buildings to new buildings is 2:1.  The officer highlighted the improvements and extension to the main house, other existing buildings and the buildings that would be replaced.  She noted the Urban Designer was content with the application in relation to the Dutch Barn and that the Highways Authority raised no objection to the scheme in terms of detriment to the operation of the highway network or on highway safety.


Cllr Kenneth Boyle, Slaugham Parish Council spoke against the application.


Adam Richards, spoke in favour of the application.


Will Scrase-Dickens spoke in favour of the application.


Adrian Baillie, spoke in favour of the application.


Several Members welcomed the application.  They discussed the location of and access to the site, the redevelopment and re-use of the existing buildings and cladding to the main house.  


Members expressed concern over the access to the site, the potential impact of increased traffic through a conservation area, the impact of potential light pollution in a conservation area on wildlife.


The Officer confirmed the condition 3 requires a construction management plan and condition 17 ensured the improvement visibility splays to the access on Warninglid Lane prior to occupying the site.  She confirmed condition 8 covers the materials used in the construction which would include the recladding to the main dwelling, and that an extra informative could be added to make it clear in respect of the materials details under condition 8 for the house if the Committee requested one.


Following a Member’s comment she advised an informative makes an applicant  aware what expected as part of a condition, the Chairman agreed to inclusion of an informative on condition 8.


The Chairman reminded the Committee that they must consider the application that had been received, no objections had been received from WSCC highways, condition 19 covered landscaping  and condition 20 covered lighting. 


A Member noted the suggestions of the Warninglid residents regarding a one-way system; the Chairman noted that was not part of the application before the committee and WSCC had raised no objections.


As there were no further questions or contributions the Chairman took the Members to the recommendation.  This was proposed by Councillor Marsh and seconded by Councillor Jackson and was approved 8 in favour and 1 abstention.




That planning permission be approved subject to the conditions set in Appendix A, the agenda update sheet and additional informative to condition 8.      


Councillor Coote joined the meeting for the following item.

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