Agenda item

DM/21/3755 - Court Meadow School, Hanlye Lane, Cuckfield, Haywards Heath, RH17 5HN.


Joanne Fisher, Senior Planning Officer, introduced the application which sought the demolition of Court Meadow School buildings to provide 13 dwellings with parking and landscaping. She drew Members attention to the further information contained in the Agenda Update Sheet in relation to Appendix A – recommended conditions and updates to conditions 6 and 15. She noted the site is allocated under the Cuckfield Neighbourhood Plan, for approximately10 dwellings. The proposed design would retain the current boundary shrubs and trees with additional planting and the design of the dwellings would consist of dark grey windows, doors and drainage. She noted that although this design was different to dwellings in close proximity, the properties have been designed to take into account local materials. The Councils Urban Designer has raised no objection to the design of the development. She advised a Fabric First approach was proposed for heating and Electrical Vehicle charging points would be provided. The development would make good use of a brownfield site and benefits from S106 contributions as detailed in the report. The proposal shows that the site would adequately accomodate 13 dwellings without being overdeveloped and would not detract from the adjacent Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.


Mr Peter Rainier, agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


The Chairman thanked officers for the report and emphasised the application would make very good used of a brownfield site, in particular the allocation of 4 affordable dwellings.


Members discussed the application in detail. A Member raised concerns (following a site visit) regarding the width of the public footpath adjacent to the site for pedestrians and access for cyclists turning north into the site or onto the main road. He expressed concerns these matters had not been fully addressed or resolved in the report, although officer’s advice is there will be a neutral impact in respect of highway safety and safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved for all users. Another Member also raised concerns regarding the speed limits on Hanlye Lane and the need for widening the turning circle on the site and provision of a public footpath. The Senior Planning Officer clarified there is an existing footpath adjacent to the site and that there would be a footpath link from the development to this and that the Highways Authority considered the application acceptable in highway safety terms. In response to a query regarding construction traffic remaining on site and wheel washing to be provided, condition 4 requires details on construction parking, plant, materials, parking of vehicles and wheel washing. 


The Chairman reassured Members in his experience the road is fairly safe and acknowledged the footpath is not widely used, however, it provides safe access as it is situated behind a hedge. He was unable to comment on the issue of turning into the site. He highlighted that West Sussex County Council owned and were responsible for the footpath.


Members were pleased the development forms part of the Cuckfield Neighbourhood plan and fully supported the use of the site. A Member also noted that in light of the sustainability challenges, this was a very good application.


The recommendation was moved from the Chair and the Chairman took Members to a vote that planning permission be approved with 5 in favour and 1 against, therefore the application was approved.




The application was approved subject to the recommendations below and amendments contained in the Agenda Update Sheet.




It is recommended that planning permission be approved subject to the completion of a satisfactory S106 Legal Agreement to secure infrastructure contributions and affordable housing and the conditions set in Appendix A.




It is recommended that if the applicants have not submitted a satisfactory signed planning obligation securing the necessary infrastructure payments and affordable housing by the 14th July 2022, then it is recommended that permission be refused at the discretion of the Divisional Lead for Planning and Economy, for the following reasons:


1. 'The application fails to comply with policies DP20 and DP31 of the Mid Sussex District Plan in respect of the infrastructure and affordable housing required to serve the development.'


Supporting documents: