Agenda item

DM/19/3234 - Little Abbortsford, Isaacs Lane, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 8RA.


Rachel Richardson, Senior Planning Officer introduced the application which sought the outline planning permission for the demolition of Little Abbotsford and its ancillary buildings to provide 9 dwellings with associated parking, turning areas and new access onto Isaacs Lane. She drew Members attention to further information contained in the Agenda Update Sheet and noted the detail to be considered at this stage is for access only with all other matters reserved for consideration under a subsequent Reserved Matters application.


The Senior Planning Officer highlighted that the site is within the built up area as defined in the Mid Sussex District Plan and the strategic ‘Northern Arc’ policy of the District Plan, although this site was not included in the approved Outline Planning Application for the Northern Arc. The 9 dwellings would consist of 5, three bed houses and 4, four bed houses, using functional materials consisting of local stock bricks, through colour rendered boarding or hanging tiles on the upper walls and plain machine tiles covering the roof. These adhere to the Mid Sussex Design Guide.


Finally, in response to the Local Highways Authority, previously requesting further information in the form of a revised Road Safety Audit, to assess the revised access arrangements, the Highway Authority have confirmed the access and parking arrangements were suitable for emergency and refuse vehicles.


The Chairman thanked officers for the report and explained that a full definition of S106 monies expenditure would be provided for applications going forward.  


Mr Nigel Alderton, agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application. 


A Member expressed concerns regarding the design layout of parking provision away from the properties on site, which was not practical or easily visible to residents and the site is adjacent to a very busy main road which will become even busier as the Northern Arc development progresses. He also asked what provision was being made for Electric Vehicle charging points and adequate sustainable heating. In response to the parking, the Senior Planning Officer advised the plans showing the internal layout and elevations of the buildings were only indicative and therefore could be revised. They also comply with the Mid Sussex Design Guide. In addition, the dwellings would be 3 storeys with scope to overlook the parking bays. Regarding the latter points, these would form part of the Reserved Matters application, which the Chairman explained would be presented to the Committee when applicable.


A Member asked as a stipulation of the application, for all construction traffic to be stationed at the site with adequate wheel washing facilities. He also raised concerns about the disposal of sewage and surface water and that access to and from the site be more substantial for Waste contractors onto Isaacs Lane. Finally, he noted the lack of pavement provision. The Senior Planning Officer confirmed that as part of the conditions of the application, all construction traffic would be parked on site and wheel washing could be included. Foul water and drainage would form part of the Reserved Matters stage and the application would need to comply with the drainage conditions on the outline consent before development commenced. Regarding the pavements, she advised the walkways, specifically Isaacs Lane, are detailed in the separate Northern Arc plans.


A Member asked for further clarification on the ‘Grampian style’ condition set out in the report.  The Senior Planning Officer advised this was a condition stipulated by West Sussex County Council, where speed restrictions and road safety elements are agreed prior to the houses being built. Steven King, Planning Applications Team Leader emphasised it requires these details to be submitted to the Planning Authority before works can take place.


In response to a query as to why this particular site had not been acquired by Homes England as part of the Northern Arc development, the Chairman advised it did not form part of the four main landowners land allocated in the Northern Arc.


Finally, a Member asked for an update on the Northern Arc development, advising this would be useful for all Members. The Chairman advised he received regular updates from Acom and agreed for these to be sent to all Members.


The recommendation was moved from the Chair and the Chairman took Members to a vote to approve the outline permission as detailed in the report and the conditions set out in Appendix A and Appendix B. The recommendation was approved unanimously with 6 in favour of the application.




That outline permission be granted subject to the recommendations below and amendments contained in the Agenda Update Sheet.




That outline permission be granted subject to conditions listed in the appendix and the satisfactory completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure financial contributions for infrastructure improvements.




It is recommended that if the applicants have not submitted a satisfactory signed S106 Legal Agreement/or legal undertaking securing the necessary infrastructure payments and affordable housing provision by the 14 July 2022, then permission be refused at the discretion of the Divisional Lead for Planning and Economy, for the following reason:


1. 'The application fails to comply with policy DP20 of the Mid Sussex District Plan in respect of the infrastructure required to serve the development.'


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