Agenda item

DM/21/2628 - Land to Rear of Friars Oak, London Road, Hassocks, BN6 9NA.


Steven King, Team Leader for Planning Applications introduced the application for reserved matters application for the approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale at land to the rear of the Friars Oak pursuant to outline planning permission DM/19/1897, comprising of a residential development of 130 dwellings and associated access together with change of use of part of the land to country open space, following the provision of a new pedestrian tunnel under the railway.  He drew the Members’ attention to the agenda update sheet, noting further comments had been received from Hassocks Parish Council, correction of typing errors and the additional condition relating to the wheelchair accessible unit.  


He highlighted that the previous outline planning permissions approved access to the site and the use of the land at the end of site as public open space.  On appeal the Planning Inspector had granted outline planning permission for the site and the Committee had approved a subsequent application.  He noted separate approval had been given by the Planning Inspector to divert a section of the Public Right of Way along the boundary of the site around a flood area and Network Rail were constructing a pedestrian access under the railway, but it was not as part of the application before the committee.


The officer noted the perimeter style layout of the site  attenuation ponds and area of public open space in the centre of the site. The site would have three-character areas with different housing types with affordable housing dispersed throughout the site, and 70% of the plots would have EVCs.  He noted the design was appropriate for the site with additional planting of trees throughout the site, there were no objections from Highways and the existing floodplain had been relocated.He advised that issues had been raised regarding the infrastructure and confirmed that the legal agreement has been signed at the outline planning permission stage.  Hassocks Parish Council request for allotments was not part of the application before the committee and confirmed the application was policy complaint.


Cllr Nick Owens, Hassocks Parish Council  spoke in objection to the application.


Mr Hough, agent for the applicant spoke in favour of the application.


Members discussed requested clarification on the impact of the impending changes to building regulations on stage of construction, access to the site, noted the opposition to the application by Hassocks Parish Council, noted the roads would be put up for adoption by Highways, the housing mix and affordable housing and the installation of the pedestrian access tunnel under the railway.


The Chairman noted that the developers must comply with the new building regulations once they are in force. 


In response to a Member’s question the officer advised that commencement of construction is when the developer has made a meaning full start on the ground, i.e., the installation of foundations to start the development.  He confirmed the access to the site had been agreed under the outline planning permission,


As there were no further questions or contributions the Chairman took the Members to the recommendation.  This was proposed by Cllr Trumble and seconded by Cllr Whittaker and was approved 8 in favour and 1 against. 






Bates, R.




Coote, P




Eves, A.




Hatton, S




Laband, C




Sweatman, D




Trumble, C




Webb, R.




Whittaker, R







It is recommended that reserved matters consent is granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix A.


Supporting documents: