Agenda item

DM/21/2627 - Land at and adjacent to Former Sewage Treatment Works, Fairbridge Way, Burgess Hill, RH15 8GL.


Stephen Ashdown, Planning Team Leader for Major Development and Enforcement introduced the application for approval of reserved matters pursuant to the outline application for the access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale comprising 307 (use class c3) residential units, car and cycle parking, internal roads, a LEAP (400 sq.m) and associated boundary treatments.  The officer noted that he had not received comments from the Environmental Health Officer on a matter relating to noise. He suggested that the recommendation on pg 13 be amended, and that subject to receipt of satisfactory comments from Environmental Health Officer, the officers will agree any additional conditions with the Chairman and Vice-chairman.


He highlighted that the access had been determined and delivered through a  previous planning application, the site will provide 100% affordable dwellings using  modern methods of construction in prefabricated modular form.  The site had underground constraints that would restrict the development, the layout of the site was broadly in accordance with the parameters approved at the outline stage  and highlighted the areas that had been amended.   The site would consist of two and three storey buildings, had a strong urban form, was supported by a landscape visual statement, and there would be no additional development over and above the original parameters.  He confirmed that the Council would have nomination rights for over 75% of the rented accommodation across the site.


The officer advised the site will have four-character areas with render and brick facades, 112 EVCs consisting of communal points and on-plot points, and the remaining parking spaces will have passive provision for future installation.  Additional planting will be provided on the western side of the site to give a green corridor, and a planting scheme will break up the large parking areas and help screen the pumping station.


Ms Ruth Beard, agent for the applicant spoke in favour of the application.


Mr Ben Rushton spoke in favour of the application.


Chairman reiterated that the Urban Designer and the Design Review Panel main concern over the extensive use of rendering and dominance of the parking areas.  He highlighted the development would have 100 % affordable housing on a constrained site.


Members noted the constraints of the site and commended the modular construction of the dwellings which would speed up delivery of the scheme.  They expressed concern over the use of renewable energy sources and lack of connectivity with adjacent developments, location of the play area, cycle storage, lack of garages and bus stops. 


The officer confirmed that when the Building Regulations change, condition four will cover the installation of PV cells.  The Council can only control the installation of PV cells, as they impact the design of the site; air source heat pumps do not require planning permission.  A footpath will be provided in the south east corner of the development and the Council is in discussion with Countryside regarding connectivity to the Feeks Farm development.   Garages are not normally provided on affordable housing schemes as they increase the cost to the homeowner.  He noted the issue of cycle storage and advised that cycle hubs are being provided and will be controlled by a condition. No bus service will be provided for the site as it had not been required at the outline planning stage.  The site had been decontaminated as part of the 2014 permission  and the works completed predated current legislation.


Members discussed working hours on the site, the impact of the impending changes to Building Regulations on subsequent phases of the development, expressed an aspiration for the Council to retain good quality housing design and  the adaptability of the dwellings for whole life.


The Team Leader confirmed condition 21 of the outline planning permission required a construction management plan and approval will be given for normal working hours; the Council has no control over the tariff used for ECVs, and as a local Authority they can only approve the number and location of the ECVs. Later phases of the development would have to comply with any revised building regulations, 20% of the dwellings would be built to M4(2) standards and can be adapted and 4 dwellings would be specifically designed for wheelchair users.


The Chairman expressed concern with the longevity of rendering but noted it dispersed the large expanse of red bricks.


Several Members noted their support of the scheme, commended the inclusion of balconies and that 60% of the units would have two or three bedrooms.


As there were no further questions or contributions the Chairman took Members to a named vote on the recommendations outlined in the report.  This was proposed by Cllr Trumble and seconded by Cllr Whittaker and was unanimously approved. 






Bates, R.




Coote, P




Eves, A.




Hatton, S




Laband, C




Sweatman, D




Trumble, C




Webb, R.




Whittaker, R







It is recommended that reserved matters consent is granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix A and subject to the receipt of satisfactory comments from Environmental Health Officer, the officers will agree any additional conditions in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-chairman.


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