Agenda item

DM/21/4235 - Land Adj. Balcombe House, London Road, Balcombe, RH17 6PB.


Joanne Fisher, Senior Planning Officer introduced the application for a residential development to provide 17 dwellings made up of 1 and 2 bedroom flats, and 3 bedroom detached and semi-detached houses associated landscaping, parking, vehicular access and a village car park. 


She confirmed that the land was within the High Weald AONB and has been allocated under the Balcombe Neighbourhood Plan. She noted that the Committee refused an application in November 2021 for 17 dwellings which included a 4-bed house. The application was refused as the housing mix with a 4-bed property was contrary to Policy 2 (i)  of the Balcombe Neighbourhood Plan and also as the Section 106 agreement for infrastructure contributions and affordable housing had not been completed.


The Senior Planning Officer  confirmed that new application still had 17 dwellings replacing the 4-bed house with a 3-bed house and a village car park.  Officers consider that the layout is acceptable, the tree frontage was to be retained with a planting buffer and enhanced planting provided on the northern boundary of the site. The majority of trees to be removed are of low classification with many being non-native plantation trees.  The heritage assets impacts had been considered and would result in less than substantial harm where the public benefits of the proposal would outweigh the harm. The site would deliver traditionally designed dwellings using a fabric first approach in a sustainable location.


She highlighted that the principle of development had been established as the site has been allocated in the Neighbourhood Plan and the housing mix meets the requirements of 2(i) of Balcombe Neighbourhood Plan. She noted that the Section 106 agreement is progressing. 


Cllr Lloyd Thompsett, Balcombe Parish Council  spoke in objection to the application.


Mr Hendy, agent for the applicant spoke in favour of the application.


Cllr Jenny Edwards, Ward Member for Balcombe spoke in support of the application.  She welcomed the changes with the removal of the 4-bed dwelling, and noted that 2-bed dwellings would have been better so older people could downsize and stay in the area.  She noted that balconies had not been included and would have provided private outdoor space for the residents of the flats.


Cllr Gary Marsh, Ward Member for Balcombe spoke in support of the application.  He noted that the reasons to refuse the application had been removed, and the application was now policy compliant with Balcombe Neighbourhood Plan.  The Section 106 agreement had not been signed and he would have liked money allocated for a skateboard park in the village.


The Senior Planning Officer advised that the Parish Council are not involved in the  Section 106 agreement and the application before the committee had only one entrance to the car park.  Another application would be required to request a second entrance.


The Chairman advised the Committee that as the application no longer included a 4-bed house, the reason for refusal of the original application had been addressed and it would be unreasonable to refuse the application. 


Members discussed access to the site, the layout of the village car park, preventing overdevelopment of the site at a later date and the lack of solar panels.


The Senior Planning Officer confirmed Highways had no objections and a Road Safety Audit had been provided,  condition 21 covers details to be provided in relation to the public car park including disabled parking spaces within the car park, and the application accords with the Balcombe Neighbourhood Plan.   


The Chairman reiterated that a second entrance to the car park was not on the  original application.  As there were no further questions or contributions the Chairman took the Members to the recommendation.  This was proposed by Cllr Coote and seconded by Cllr Whittaker and was approved with 7 in favour, 1 against and 2 abstentions. 






Bates, R.




Coote, P




Eves, A.




Forbes, B.




Jackson, R.




Laband, C




Sweatman, D




Trumble, C




Webb, R.




Whittaker, R







Recommendation A

It is recommended that planning permission be approved subject to the completion of a satisfactory S106 Legal Agreement to secure infrastructure contributions and affordable housing and the conditions set in Appendix A.


Recommendation B

It is recommended that if the applicants have not submitted a satisfactory signed planning obligation securing the necessary infrastructure payments and affordable housing by the 24th May 2022, then it is recommended that permission be refused at the discretion of the Divisional Lead for Planning and Economy, for the following reasons:


1. 'The application fails to comply with policies DP20 and DP31 of the Mid Sussex District Plan in respect of the infrastructure and affordable housing required to serve the development.'


Supporting documents: