Agenda item

DM/21/2992 - 78 London Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 1EP.


Steve King, Planning Team Leader Applications introduced the application which seeks permission for the conversion of the upper floors to provide 2 x 1 bedroom and 8 x 2 bedroom flats including roof extensions and alterations, cycle storage, refuse provision and associated works. He drew Member’s attention to the amendment to the conditions contained in the Agenda Update Sheet.   He noted that the history if the site is important as planning permission was resolved to be approved in 2018 for the demolition of the first and second floor and 11 flats on site. Following a lengthy process to complete the legal agreement, this planning permission was issued in 2020 and was therefore extant and could still be implemented. This previous planning permission was for a larger development than that now proposed. The new proposal remains a car free scheme as per the previously approved scheme and has one less unit. The site is in the built-up area of East Grinstead and the design is considered to be acceptable and will preserve the setting of the nearby listed building. There are also no objections from the West Sussex County Council Highways department.


Jacquie Andrews spoke in support of the application.


A Member expressed concern that the new proposal was for more units than an original proposal which was for 7 flats with a loss of retail space and feature windows and therefore recommended to refuse the application.


The Planning Applications Team Leader noted that the first application for 7 flats was in 2016 but there was a more recent extant permission,  approved in 2020 for 11 flats. The new proposal is for 10 flats and has a lower build height than the previously approved scheme.


A Member noted that the new roof modelling makes it a more attractive development and reduces the impact on St Swithan’s Church. He was pleased that the retailer (Superdrug) will remain and acknowledged that Superdrug had previously commented that a reduced retail space is more financially economical for them.


A Member requested that the heating arrangements be environmentally friendly and queried the parking arrangements for visitors. It was noted that there is a cark nearby and that buyers need to be aware that there is no provision on site.


The Chairman took Members to a vote on the recommendations as set out in the report including the amendments in the Agenda Update Sheet. This was proposed by the Vice Chair, seconded by Councillor Walker and approved with 10 in favour and 1 against.




That planning permission be granted subject to the recommendations below and the amended conditions set out in the Agenda Update Sheet:


Recommendation A


It is recommended that, subject to the completion of a satisfactory S106 Legal Agreement and/or legal undertaking to secure the required level of SAMM and SANG contributions and infrastructure contributions, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix A.


Recommendation B


If by 13 April 2022, the applicants have not submitted a satisfactory signed S106 Legal Agreement and/or legal undertaking securing the necessary financial contributions, then it is recommended that planning permission be refused at the discretion of the Divisional Leader for Planning and Economy for the following reasons:


'The application fails to comply with Policy DP20 of the Mid Sussex District Plan, Policies EG3, EG5 and EG11 of the East Grinstead Neighbourhood Plan and paragraphs 55 and 57 of the National Planning Policy Framework in respect of the infrastructure required to serve the development.'


'The proposal does not adequately mitigate the potential impact on the Ashdown Forest SPA and therefore would be contrary to the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017, Policy DP17 of the Mid Sussex District Plan, Policies EG5 and EG16 of the East Grinstead Neighbourhood Plan and paragraph 181 of the National Planning Policy Framework.'


Supporting documents: