Agenda item

Performance Monitoring for the Second Quarter of 2021/22.


Neal Barton, Policy, Performance and Partnerships Manager introduced the report noting that 76% of indicators shown are at green and therefore meeting target. He noted that the pandemic still has implications for the delivery of services in areas such as Environmental Health, Housing Services and Revenues and Benefits. He also highlighted areas that have experienced increase in workloads including Land Charges and Planning. 


The Chairman took Members through each section of the report. Members welcomed the employment through the Council’s Wellbeing Team of a dedicated Well Being Health Coach at a surgery in East Grinstead and it was confirmed that other GP practices are interested in the same service.


Discussion was held on the statistics surrounding complaints, compliments and customer services. Simon Hughes, Head of Digital and Customer Service confirmed that data related to the new telephony system and customer satisfaction data will be available into the new year. He confirmed that in the meantime Officers have management information which is regularly reviewed in order to tailor services and ensure that information reaches the correct recipients. The subject of staff retention and flexible working was discussed and it was confirmed that succession planning and training are factors in place to mitigate risk of potential staff shortages.


Members discussed the footfall at the Orchards Shopping centre, which had seen a 2.4% increase compared to the same quarter of last year.  Requests were made to consider a comparison with other similar sized centres and to consider alternative performance measures that reflect the economic situation across the wider District rather than just Council owned properties. Judy Holmes, Assistant Chief Executive confirmed that this latter request is something that the Economic Development team are currently exploring with a view to developing a suite of indicators to improve the provision of data on the health of town centres.


The performance of leisure centres was discussed in detail with clarity sought on the actions being taken to increase attendance, income and monitor performance. The Assistant Chief Executive acknowledged that it was difficult to predict how and when performance may reach pre-pandemic levels but confirmed that income levels are monitored monthly and reconciled by an independent consultant. As the Council has a role in monitoring the contract, the management information is also regularly monitored by Officers to seek opportunities for improvement.


A Member had submitted questions to the Chairman in advance of the meeting regarding electric car charging points. The usage and cost were discussed further with confirmation given that the Council has just entered into a new procurement agreement with West Sussex County Council that will see 26 chargers installed in Mid Sussex, including the replacement of the existing ones that are not currently effective.


Members also discussed the performance of waste going to landfill and the number of planning appeals allowed. The amount of affordable housing being delivered was also discussed in detail with Members seeking clarification on whether there is a correlation between the size of a development and non-compliance with affordable housing policies, and if the same developers repeatedly under deliver. Concern was expressed that that the cost and type of new properties does not address the affordability crisis and the Member was advised to refer that matter to the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee for Housing, Planning and Economic Growth.


Following discussion, the Chairman took Members to the recommendations contained in the report which were agreed. 





The Committee:


(i)    Noted the Council’s performance in the second quarter of the year and identified any areas where further reporting or information is required;


(ii)   Agreed to advise the Cabinet of any issues that the Committee considers should be given particular consideration at the Cabinet meeting on 29th November 2021.

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