Agenda item

Draft Corporate Plan and Budget 2022/23.


Peter Stuart, Head of Corporate Resources introduced the report highlighting that following the meeting of the Scrutiny Committee for Leader, Finance and Performance in January there had been an update on the final settlement and some other minor amendments. The budget includes a figure for the projected income from car parking charges of £350,000; the National Non-Domestic Rates (NNDR) Pool has been finalised and it is anticipated this will not have any impact on the finances of the Council and an approach has been received from West Sussex County Council to replicate the 2021 -22 Council Tax Hardship Scheme.  The county would provide 90% of the funds to run the scheme.  He confirmed that the Revenue budget will have a reduced call on General Reserves than originally predicted. He noted changes to the capital programme with the park improvement plans and that the project will be extended as more Section 106 money becomes available.  


The Leader welcomed the replication of the hardship fund and thanked the scrutiny committee  for their consideration of the draft budget.   He noted it was a strong budget which responded to post pandemic challenges.  He highlighted the importance of continued support for the leisure centres, the centre for outdoor sports, and ongoing investment in community facilities which have been well used by residents during pandemic.


The Cabinet Member for Economic Growth declared that he is a West Sussex County Councillor.  He endorsed the NNDR Pool which helped to support the  local economy and welcomed the improvements to Victoria Park.


The Cabinet Member for Customer Services thanked the officers for the comprehensive report and welcomed the reduced draw on General Reserves.  She noted that the Full Fibre project had received funds from the previous NNDR Pool. 


The Head of Corporate Resources noted that the Council Tax Hardship Scheme will require sign off by the Cabinet Member, For the pool, £5 million extra income across the County area is forecast and this is best spent funding bigger projects where maximum benefit is achieved.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Service Delivery noted the report highlights the ongoing challenges with the pandemic and demonstrates a resilient Council.  He noted the importance of the income from the leisure centres, revenue that helps the council to deliver services.   He welcomed the changes to the capital programme, improvements to Victoria Park and other parks.  He noted the importance of the Council continuing to invest in the other sports facilities within the District.


The Head of Corporate Resources confirmed a desire of the Council to upgrade the toilet facilities at The Orchards whilst regenerating the shopping centre.  To upgrade the toilet facilities before the regeneration project has been agreed, he suggested bringing a report to the next Cabinet meeting with a proposal to install a Changing Places Toilet behind the existing facilities. This should facilitate a quick installation in the Spring or early Summer.


The Leader welcomed the proposal, particularly a Changing Places toilet in the town centre.  As there were no further questions the Leader took the Members to the recommendations which were agreed unanimously.




Cabinet recommended to Council the proposals for 2022/23 as set out in the report to the Scrutiny Committee and as amended by this report, specifically:


(i)         The financial outlook facing the Council given the extent of the Covid-19 pandemic;

(ii)         The proposed increase in Council Tax;

(iii)        The strategy to use General Reserve to balance the budget over the short term;

(iv)        The proposed Capital Programme;

(v)        The service commentaries and supporting summary budget tables for each business unit; and,

(vi)        to note the membership of the West Sussex Business Rates Pool.  

Supporting documents: