Agenda item

DM/21/2367 - Little Park Farm, Marchants Close, Hurstpierpoint, Hassocks, West Sussex, BN6 9UZ.


Anna Tidey, Planning Officer, introduced the application which sought permission for the removal of an existing barn, dairy building, mobile home unit and associated structures and the construction of 3 dwellings. She provided a summary of the Agenda Update Sheet which include the extension of the 8-week date to 16th September 2021, the comments from West Sussex Highways Authority, a recommended condition by the Ecological Advisor and additional comments from the Parish Council. It also includes the consultation response from Southern Water, additional comments received from Hurstpierpoint Parish Council and and amended wording to conditions 3, 11 and 16.


The Planning Officer noted that the application is before the Committee as it represents a departure from adopted planning policy. She also drew Members attention to the planning history of the site, which has extant permission for a barn conversion for 4 new dwellings and a Lawful Development Certificate for a mobile home on the land. She set out the size of proposed buildings and the  location of the new application noting that part of the access serves an existing property at North End House and is a pedestrian route to houses and Hurst Meadow open space as well as having a vehicle access gate allowing access to an extended garden for the adjacent Grade 2* property.


Peter Rainier spoke in support of the application as the agent.


The Chairman noted that one Ward Member had provided comments in writing which reiterate concerns raised in the report and another Ward Member had agreed providing a construction management plan was implemented.


A Member was in favour of the application noting that it was good to reduce the number of dwellings down to 3 but raised concern on whether the comments from the Conservation Officer regarding Unit A had been taken into account.  The Planning Applications Team Leader confirmed that the comments are related to one aspect of the site and whilst they have been considered, the Planning Officers assessment of the proposal has to be on the scheme as a whole and it is their belief that the benefits outweigh the negatives.


With regards to the pathway, a Member noted that safety considerations had been covered in conditions relating to the construction phase but asked if there could be a condition to place a pathway for pedestrians, post construction. The Planning Officer noted that this was not suggested by the Highways Authority and pedestrians currently share the path with farming machinery so it is unlikely that a condition could be included. If the application is successful, it would remove the farming machinery and therefore make the road safer from that perspective.


A Member queried the lawful development certificate for the mobile home. It was confirmed that it is lawful for a mobile home to be on site, and the existing one could be replaced with another. The application seeks to replace the mobile home on the site by unit C.


A Member raised concerns around DP39 noting that sustainability provisions were listed a ‘where-ever possible’.  He suggested that measurable requirements such as the amount of rainwater collected or an insulation score should be specified. He also expressed concern that the developers had not considered ways to demonstrate how future climate change is reflected in the design.  He also reiterated concerns around the safety of the pedestrian path.


The Chairman reiterated that the Highways Authority had not expressed concerns around the path. The Planning Applications Team Leader noted that DP39 sought to encourage developers to increase sustainability but it is not a policy that sets out a minimum standard. He noted that the proposed application to redevelop rather than convert the buildings would provide a more sustainable site.


A Member noted that it was unfortunate that no modern technology had been proposed with regards to sustainable heating, and that no report was provided by the Tree Officer. The Planning Officer noted that as a result of discussions with the Tree Officer there is an amended tree protection plan referred to in the conditions to protect the trees and secure additional planting in the buffer zone. She also acknowledged that a traffic management plan will be implemented, taking on board the Parish Council’s recommendations on timings and children.


A Member noted that this application was better than the prior approved application which could still be implemented until it expires on 15 August 2022.


The Chairman took Members to a recorded vote on the recommendations as set out in the report and the Agenda Update Sheet. This was proposed by Councillor Coote and seconded by Councillor Sweatman and agreed with 10 in favour and 1 against.






P. Brown




R. Cartwright




P. Coote



J. Dabell




R. Eggleston



B. Forbes




G. Marsh




C. Phillips




M. Pulfer




D. Sweatman




N. Walker








That permission be granted subject to the conditions as outlined at Appendix A and additional information contained in the Agenda Update Sheet.


Supporting documents: