Agenda item

Report of Cabinet Members, including questions pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 10.1


Cabinet Member for Economic Growth


The Cabinet Member noted that the work of the  Sustainable Economic Strategy was on schedule thanking the Chairman Councillor Pulfer and the group members.  The work on the Inward Investment Marketing Plan was progressing and the brochure should be ready in November.  He confirmed the ongoing strong links with the Business Associations and  key businesses and the release of the second Newsletter.  Service Level Agreements  with the Business Associations will provide a clear understanding of expectations when applying for grant funding support.    He confirmed that officers have been working hard with the Towns & Parishes in relation to developing our bid to the Welcome Back Fund, officers are now supporting them through the procurement process.  


Members requested an expansion of the fund to other villages, sought clarity on the use of the fund and discussed bringing empty business properties back into use.  He confirmed that the grants to town and parish councils, from the fund to provide vinyl prints on empty shop fronts on private land is permitted as there is no direct benefit to the landowners.  He advised he would check that the engagement of all towns and parishes on applications for the fund and would consider whether the fund could be opened to other applicants.  It was noted that the Council had little control over empty buildings in private ownership.


Cabinet Member for Customer Services


The Cabinet Member highlighted the number of grants paid out by the Revenues and Benefits department, the free debt advice service and the end of the furlough scheme.  She noted that help is now available for parents and guardians if children are notified by Test and Trace to self-isolate, a communication on this is being developed.  She urged Members to ensure eligible businesses apply for discounts as NNDR collections are down on last year.  Mid Sussex Matters will be published in November.  Digital and Technology are  working to improve the customer experience, digitally and those calling customer services to make interacting with the Council easier and clearer.  Customer satisfaction figures will include electronic submissions, and she will check that all electronic submissions are acknowledged.  She drew Members’ attention to the safeguarding policy for voluntary and community groups which was recently published in MIS. Phases 1 and 2 of the Digital Infrastructure Project are complete and work is progressing on the network and service providers on the commercialisation phase,  which will be supported by a website in late October.  She noted that the project is providing local employment. 


Cabinet Member for Environment and Service Delivery


The Cabinet Member provided an update on the fuel situation and driver shortage in relation to the provision of the council’s services.  Waste collections by Serco will continue as normal but ID Verde are not working to normal capacity and have been asked to prioritise grass and pitch cutting and bin emptying. The Council continues to monitor the performance at the Leisure Centres through an open-book reconciliation process, subject to both parties agreement it is indicated that performance has been higher than predicted, however running costs are higher than usual. There have been some changes to the way the facilities are used, and some operational improvements will be retained to improve the customer experience.  He confirmed the pilot food waste collection would go ahead in the next financial year. The Council has to work with other authorities as we are not a disposal authority and the guidelines are continually changing. He advised he would provide an update on the collection of small electrical goods by Serco and that once officers had received training on enforcement action for fly tipping, evidence supplied by Members would be revisited with regard to potential prosecution.  He highlighted that they had received positive feedback on the Playdays which would help shape the scheme for next year. He thanked the staff that supported the Playdays.


Cabinet Member for Community


The Cabinet Member for Community noted the consultation on Clair Hall, managed by external consultants had ended.  He thanked the residents and Members for their engagement in the consultation.  He confirmed engagement with young people and the next stage would reflect on what was said and the actions that have been taken.     He confirmed a Motion to discuss Clair Hall was on the agenda and the time scale of the consultation process had been previously reported in MIS.  The final report to Cabinet would be carefully considered. The Council supports the Scout movement and their use of the hall would be considered in any future decisions.  He confirmed a reduction in  crime figures year on year in all categories and people should take steps to protect their own property to prevent crime.   Members visits to the Police Control Room at Lewes have been temporarily suspended due to Covid.  He provided an update on the installation of CCTV at recreational parks. Advising that Sussex Police would need the date and time of incidents in order to review footage.   He noted his attendance at a few ribbon cutting events and confirmed this year a similar scheme delivering cream tea in a box would be undertaken  as it is important to be supportive of older vulnerable and isolated people as well as other sectors.  


A Member noted that there is no women’s refuge in Mid Sussex and asked if there was any plan to provide one to comply with the Government ‘s requirement that all Local Authorities provide a refuge.   He confirmed it was discussed at the Police and Crime Panel and the Council is working with Sussex Police to ensure people of Sussex and neighbouring district and boroughs are kept safe. 


In response to a Member’s question he advised that nationally domestic violence increased at start of lockdown.  Due to additional publicity, sufferers of violence now have more ways of asking for help, the Police advise it is working well.  He highlighted that there are also incidents of violence against children and men. 


Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning


The Cabinet Member noted a drop in planning applications last year, applications for small developments have now increased which is good news for the economy. The Inspector’s report for the Sites DPD is expected in October and the process of refreshing the District Plan has commenced. Evidence based studies have been commissioned. He drew attention to the new Enforcement Charter that was published on MIS recently. The businesses that built temporary external structures to take advantage of the Government’s extended development rights will now have to make applications to retain the structures.  He highlighted the varying degrees of engineering of the structures, they will be encouraged where they fit in with the local area as they support the hospitality sector.  He provided an update on Council owned temporary accommodation  and more properties are being sought.  There will be further pressure on this accommodation following the Royal Ascent given to the Domestic Abuse Act in July, the Act imposes new statutory duties on Local Authorities.  He finished by thanking Emma Shuttleworth, Business Unit Leader for Housing who is retiring and has worked for the Council for many years. He also welcomed the temporary replacement Margaret Gates.