Agenda item

To receive questions from members of the public pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 9.


Question from Ms J Edell


I am told that MSDC has distinguished itself by being the only district council in the South East with no up-to-date Climate action strategy, and one of a handful not to have declared a climate emergency.


In the 2.5 years since this council noted its support for the parliamentary declaration of environmental/climate emergency the IPCC report has emerged, demonstrating the need for far greater action and urgency from us all.


For the sake of clarity, accountability, and in support of its stated aim of raising community awareness of sustainability, might MSDC now consider declaring a biodiversity and climate emergency?


Response from the Cabinet Member for Environment and Service Delivery


Thank you for the question. I believe this Council takes its environmental responsibilities extremely seriously and indeed has done so for many years. Back in early 2018 this Council implemented a Sustainability Strategy focused on sustainability actions for our Council, our environment and our communities and which was focused on becoming more resilient in the face of climate change and embedding sustainability in all our corporate actions. Action plans were developed at that time across many areas to promote sustainability. As examples, some of the areas of focus with targets included actions regarding improving recycling and waste collections, our greenspaces and biodiversity, improving energy efficiency of our own council campus as well as supporting businesses and homes in improving their energy efficiency.


Furthermore, in 2021 the Council committed to develop a new strategy and a cross party Member working group was set up to oversee the preparation of a new Sustainable Economy Strategy (SES). Extensive work to develop this strategy has been carried out including the appointment of consultants to provide evidence and engagement with key stakeholders including the business and local community. We are aiming for the strategy to be adopted by the Council in Spring 2022. The Member working group is also developing a new action plan which will ensure we continue to build on the work already done and to ensure that we deliver the Council’s ambitious programme of climate and sustainable development activity as we work towards net zero. More than mere words or declarations, our plan will also establish new actions to ensure the Council’s response to climate change is refreshed and up to date.


I trust this response helps demonstrate that the Council acknowledges the real importance of urgent action to mitigate climate change and to ensure a sustainable future for our District.


Ms Edell posed a supplementary question. She suggested that rather than mere words, a declaration is actually a demonstration of seriousness of intent and so why would the Council not declare the emergency that we all know is happening around us.


The Cabinet Member agreed to provide a written response but noted the aspirational aspect of the question which will be considered carefully. He also confirmed that when the Council sets targets and actions, they are ones that the Council can control.





Question from Mr M Bright.


On 3/11/21 the Leader stated, “Clair Hall was a Community Centre when closed in March 2020”, which is incorrect, as the 14/9/20 MSDC report and the 13/10/20 Scrutiny Committee minutes confirm Clair Hall’s main purpose was for hosting live performances.


MSDC/SFC consultation shows a majority in favour of retaining Clair Hall.


Will MSDC apply for a government Cultural Renewal Fund grant to reopen Clair Hall, which is factually a performance venue, designed as such, and therefore eligible whilst funds are still available?


Delaying a grant application for a second consultation would not be in the best interests of our community.



Response from the Leader, Cllr Jonathan Ash-Edwards


It is unfortunate that the question and answer potentially ends in a position where each says the other is incorrect but the point that I made in my response to Mr Bright’s question at the last meeting was correct and the paper he refers to from September 2020 paragraph 28 specifically states Clair Hall’s status was as a public and community hall in accordance with planning use class F.


As Members will know, currently the building is in use by the NHS as a successful vaccination centre. With the uncertainties around the pandemic and the presence of COVID variants creating new risks we are expecting that the NHS will continue to use the building for some time into the new financial year. As you’ll appreciate this is important in delivering the booster programme, ensuring the safety of our communities.


Finally, at the next Cabinet meeting the Cabinet will carefully consider the outcomes of the most recent engagement and consultation on the Clair Hall site and will make considerations about the future of Clair Hall.