Agenda item

Report of Cabinet Members, including questions pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 10.1


Deputy Leader


The Deputy Leader noted that despite the ongoing pandemic, leases are continuing to be agreed in the Orchards Shopping Centre and smaller transactions continue to be processed such as work to retain the Stone Quarry Post Office for community local use. With regards to the Place and Connectivity transport infrastructure in Burgess Hill, the Council led schemes are progressing well with the town-wide connectivity programme at 35% complete and the Green Circle at 41% complete.


Cabinet Member for Economic Growth


The Cabinet Member noted that Officers continue to process a high volume of grant applications and acknowledged the work of the Cabinet Grants Panel where 42 businesses have been awarded £159k in Covid recovery grants, demonstrating the Council’s significant commitment to the business community. 


He noted that work is beginning to merge the sustainability and economy strategies and drew Members attention to a number of initiatives to support businesses out of recovery. This includes the pan West Sussex initiative to offer training and guidance to independent retailers, the Hot House project with the University of Chichester to support start-up and smaller businesses and partnership working with the Department of Work and Pensions to help younger people.  The Cabinet Member also noted that 17 carparks in the District have been awarded their Park Mark following inspection and that work will be considered within the Parking Strategy Action Plan to bring the remaining carparks up to standard. He concluded by noting that the Business Newsletter has restarted and been issued to 1000 businesses in February.


Cabinet Member for Customer Services


The Cabinet Member noted that the Revenue and Benefits team continue to ensure that business grants are processed and paid as soon as possible and noted that the deadline for some of the grants concluded on 31 March. She also noted that the

Council Tax Support Scheme, Hardship Grant and Test and Trace support will continue. The Cabinet Member noted that Mid Sussex Matters had now been issued to residents and the Comms team remain focused on promoting business grants, rewilding initiatives and the benefit of the vaccination programme. She confirmed that the Full Fibre Broadband work around Burgess Hill will be completed by mid-April and the route from Haywards Heath to Horsham and Crawley by mid June. Therefore, residents and businesses should see the benefits by mid-summer.


In response to a question on compliments and complaints, the Cabinet Member agreed to provide a written response on how they are calculated, noting that they are assessed by department with each shared with the relevant Business Unit Leader.


Cabinet Member for Environment and Service Delivery


The Cabinet Member recently met with the SERCO team for discussion of how the waste service is operating and how it can be improved. He noted that the feedback from residents on the service during the pandemic has been very positive and thanked the team for their hard work.


Regarding parks, he confirmed that the consultants are finalising costings and plans for Victoria Park, Mount Noddy, St Johns Park and Finches Field as well as work on park masterplans being carried out to improve play areas in some other parks.


He noted that Leisure Centres are due to reopen on 12 April and more communication will be issued shortly. 


He concluded by supporting the rewilding areas within the District noting that there are nearly 30 areas over Mid Sussex, as part of a wider national rewilding initiative. Following feedback he noted that that St Johns Park rewilding area has been removed and new places added. He agreed to provide a written response confirming the location of the areas, that can be shared with the Town and Parish Councils. He also acknowledged a Members request for Officers to engage with the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in relation to suitable planting options.


Cabinet Member for Community


The Cabinet Member acknowledged that despite the constraints of the pandemic, a total of 135 disabled facility grant completions have taken place compared to 137 in the previous year. He also recently met with the Chief Executive and Trustee of Citizens Advice West Sussex and discussed the Community Champions project for black and minority ethnic groups. Other topics of discussion focused on ways to better understand bereavement during the pandemic, domestic abuse, employment issues and mounting debt amongst young people and middle age men. The challenge of maintaining volunteer numbers was also discussed.  He concluded by acknowledging the benefit of the Mid Sussex Partnership Board and thanked Councillor Bradbury for his chairmanship of the Standards Committee.



Cabinet Member for Housing, and Planning


The Cabinet Member thanked Members for their support in adopting the Haywards Heath Town Centre Masterplan Supplementary DPD.


He confirmed that after a delayed start, over 200 units of affordable housing units have been achieved.  To clarify terminology, he confirmed that the units are social houses for rent or part equity that are provided to social housing landlords. He noted that the Planning Department continues to achieve targets and that the Site Allocations DPD is at the examination stage with information available on the Council’s website. He highlighted that Officers are working on a call for sites in relation to the District Plan review and that CIL will be considered as part of this review.  He noted that the Council is in a good position regarding delivery to meet the 3 year delivery test, with the vast majority of new houses being sold off plan.


As the Site Allocations DPD is with the Inspector, the Cabinet Member was not able to comment on a Member’s query on a specific site in relation to transport issues.