Agenda item

Budget Management 2020/21 - Progress Report April to December 2020.


Peter Stuart, Head of Corporate Resources introduced the report.  He highlighted the overspend of 1.9m in the year.  He noted the setting up a small reserve to finance support to the Leisure Centres which are costly when shut but a good income stream when open.  Figures will change due to the current climate, any assumptions made may need to be revised and the overspend may change. General Reserves have been used to absorb the impact.


The Leader noted the adverse impact caused by the additional lockdowns. 


The Deputy Leader expressed concern about future income due to pressures on industrial rents by the pandemic.


The Head of Corporate Resources confirmed some businesses made contact about their rent and the Council is in constant contact with its tenants. Some people have applied for grants, but the applications rate could be higher.  He was pleased to be able to fund minor capital projects in the current climate. The Council must keep investing in recreation centres.   The public art project funded by S106 funds was controversial, but the money had been allocated for that purpose and officers conducted extensive research. The works at St John Park recreation ground was an ongoing commitment to improve that site using S106 monies.


The Cabinet Member for Economic Growth expressed concern over the increase in figures to the year end.


The Cabinet Member for Customer Services was saddened to see the writing off of Horsham District Council’s contribution and sought reassurance that everything had been done to obtain payment.  She queried whether the figures for industrial rents were based on invoices or income.


The Head of Corporate Resources advised he would provide detailed figures to Cabinet and expenditure can be an annual cost incurred at one particular time.  All income is budgeted on creation of invoices, bad debts are only written off after all avenues to seek payment have been exhausted.  Horsham District Council were never happy with the partnership but the other partner had paid their bill in full.


The Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning asked whether the income derived from temporary accommodation should be listed separately.  The temporary accommodation is an asset and the temporary accommodation expenditure would have been higher, it would show the reduction in costs to the Council.


The Deputy Leader noted the importance of the Leisure Centres to the residents for wellbeing and socialising aspects and asked whether the application for funding to the National Leisure Fund was reflected in the budget.


The Head of Corporate Resources advised that income from temporary accommodation was listed as a net figure incorporating the Bed & Breakfast expenditure.  A detailed report on the reduction in temporary accommodation costs could be produced to update Members in MIS.  Funds from the National Leisure Fund were not included as they had not been received.


The Leader highlighted the improved service provided to the vulnerable people.  He took the Members to the recommendations which were agreed unanimously.




The Cabinet noted the report and recommend to Council:


(i) that £500,000 be transferred to a Leisure Covid Support Reserve from General Reserve as detailed in paragraph 19;

(ii) that £38,170 grant income relating to Rough Sleepers Initiative be transferred to Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 32;

(iii) that £76,500 grant income relating to New Burdens funding to cover the cost of administering the new Business grants in respect of Covid be transferred to Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 33;

(iv) that £48,631 grant income relating to Local Authority Compliance and Enforcement grant be transferred to Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 34;

(v) that £9,663 grant income relating to New Burdens funding for Housing Benefit Accuracy Award Initiative and Severe Disability Premium Gateway Initiative be transferred to Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 35;

(vi) that £75,000 grant income relating to support in respect of Covid-19 preventative interventions delivered by Environmental Health teams be transferred to Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 36;

(vii) that £61,418 grant income in respect of Journey to Work funding, to fund work being undertaken by the Employment Projects Co-ordinator be transferred to the Revenues and Benefits New Burdens Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 37;

(viii) that £26,026 grant income to Implement the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme be transferred to the Revenues and Benefits New Burdens Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 38;

(ix) the variations to the Capital Programme contained in paragraph 48 in accordance with the Council’s Financial Procedure rule B3;

(x) that prior year debtors in respect of Horsham District Council’s Contribution to the Census Partnership be written off as detailed in Appendix A of this report.

To note:

(xi) the remainder of the report.


The Cabinet Member for Environment & Service Delivery

was exited from the meeting to the waiting room at 5:01 pm.


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