Agenda item

DM/19/3619 - Mid Sussex District Council Beech Hurst Depot, Bolnore Road, Haywards Heath, RH16 4FU


Rachel Richardson, Senior Planning Officer introduced the report seeking planning permission for the demolition of the existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide 18 dwellings comprising 2 No. 1-bed flats, 4 No. 2-bed flats, 5 No. 2-bed houses, 3 No. 3-bed houses, and 4 No. 4-bed houses with associated access, landscaping and car parking.  She drew Members attention to the additional conditions on the Agenda Update Sheet.  She confirmed that amended drawings had been received and noted that the run-down brownfield site has been allocated in the Haywards Heath Neighbourhood Plan for redevelopment.  The Members were advised that WSCC will request the developer to repair any damage to the road once construction has been completed. She highlighted the additional condition for the developer to provide more details of the proposed fence by the hedgerow.  It was confirmed that the site would provide 50% affordable housing which is exceeds the District Plan requirement of 30%, amended plans had been requested by the Highway Authority detailing the visibility splays and double width road.  The Officer stated that the principle of development was acceptable, that a 5-year land supply can be demonstrated, and the land is allocated in Haywards Heath Neighbourhood Plan.   The objection by the Urban Designer of the inward facing design of the dwellings was noted, however the application meets the National Planning Policy Framework.


The Chairman confirmed all Committee Members had received the Agenda Update Sheet  including revisions to Appendix B.  He informed the Committee that most of the letters and objections were from residents of Bolnore Road and related to the condition of the road surface.  He confirmed that regulation 122 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations would apply. This  limits the use  of planning obligations so that a legal agreement must be necessary to make the development acceptable on planning grounds. WSCC have raised no highway objections.


            Several Members commented on the 50% affordable housing provision for the proposed site, the current state of the buildings on the land and that there were no pre-application discussions with the developers. 


The  Senior Planning  Officer noted  there  had  been  no  pre-application discussions. 

Nick Rogers, Business Unit Leader for Development Management  confirmed that developers are encouraged to seek pre-application advice from the Local Authority and liaise with the Town and Parish Councils as it can identify any issues and result in a quicker decision once the application is submitted.  He noted that in this case once the application had been received there has been negotiations of the plans to improve the design of the dwellings.


            A Member commented that there had been a desire locally that the land could be put to horticultural use.  He queried the southern boundary with the site and requested funds to upgrade the footpath/cycle path and provide a planting scheme.  He confirmed his support of the application.


            The Chairman advised that West Sussex County Council will monitor the condition of road.  The Business Unit Leader highlighted that the land a Member had queried is outside the application site and the control of the developer, so the Local Planning Authority could not legally add any planning conditions for this land.  He advised that with the Committees’ agreement he could draw the attention of WSCC to the land and ask them to review the situation.


            The Senior Planning Officer confirmed that under Section 59 of the Highways Act the developer must liaise with the Highway Authority surveying the road before the start of and after completion of the development. They must then make good any damage caused as a result of the development.


In response to a Member’s comments the Chairman advised that the Committee’s role was not to redesign the houses. He also noted the substantial 50% allocation of affordable housing and stated that the developer is making substantial contributions already.


The Senior Planning Officer highlighted the shared surfaces within the site plan in response to a question on footpath provision, she advised that this design is typical of these types of developments.  It was also noted that the construction would be to adoptable standard.  The Chairman advised that this would be up to the Highway Authority and developer to decide whether the road would be adopted.


The Chairman noted the comprehensive report and he highlighted the remaining sections of the report and there were no further questions.    He confirmed that the principle of development was established in policy DP6 and the Haywards Heath Neighbourhood Plan.


            Councillor Laband proposed that the Committee approve the application, and this was seconded by Councillor Sweatman.   Tom Clark, Head of Regulatory Services took a recorded vote and the Committee agreed unanimously.






Councillor R Bates




Councillor P Chapman




Councillor S Hatton




Councillor R Jackson




Councillor C Laband




Councillor A Peacock




Councillor R Salisbury




Councillor D Sweatman




Councillor N Walker




Councillor R Webb




Councillor R Whittaker







That permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the recommendations and the Agenda Update Sheet.




Recommendation A

It is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to the completion of a S106 Legal Agreement to secure infrastructure contributions, affordable housing and the conditions set in Appendix A.


Recommendation B

It is recommended that if the applicants have not signed a planning obligation securing the necessary infrastructure contributions by 12 September 2020, then permission be refused at the discretion of the Divisional Lead for Planning and Economy, for the following reasons:


'The application fails to comply with policy DP20 of the Mid Sussex District Plan in respect of the provision of infrastructure required to serve the development.'


Supporting documents: