Agenda item

Report of Cabinet Members, including questions pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 10.1


Report of the Deputy Leader


The Deputy Leader confirmed that the Council will shortly be submitting the sales fees and charges income loss for the first 4 months of the year to the Government. The net figure when reimbursed by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government will assist with the Council’s income.


The Cabinet Member noted that the Place and Connectivity Programme in Burgess Hill is producing tangible results, and thanked the external sources including Coast to Capital who are funding this work. She drew Member’s attention to recent improvements at Wivelsfield Station, and that a package of work is being instigated to boost sustainable transport and better link businesses, residents and retail to support the sustainable growth of the town. Further information on the Place and Connectivity Programme can be found online at 


Report of the Cabinet Member for Economic Growth


The Cabinet Member acknowledged the 31% of residents currently on furlough, although there is no data yet available on how they will be affected by the end of the Government’s furlough scheme.


He confirmed a new footfall measuring scheme in place on high streets within the District to provide the Government with information in order to secure funding where needed. Current measurements indicate that footfall is steadily increasing, and in some places such as Cuckfield it is higher than pre-Covid pandemic numbers. He agreed that villages as well as towns are being monitored in terms of economic growth requirements.  In response to a question on the impact Brexit will have on the District, he noted that the Council will take it’s lead through local economic partnerships such as Coast to Capital, and will focus on what the Council can do locally to make a difference to residents.


He agreed to provide a written response on the percentage of those on furlough in June compared to September.


Report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Service Delivery


The Cabinet Member provided an update on the Leisure Centres since the decision to reopen in September. He confirmed that reopening is on track, commending the work of Places Leisure employees to reach this stage. The final position for September is to be provided in due course and there is close liaison between the Council and Places Leisure. There are indications that attendance targets look positive, and the reopening has been well received by residents. In response to a Member’s question he confirmed that Covid19 related costs involved in cleaning play areas within the District remain prohibitive to reopening them all, and so the current position will remain unless there are special circumstances involved.


Report of the Cabinet Member for Community


The Cabinet Member noted that the Wellbeing Team continue to deliver courses and support to residents with Covid19 related needs.  He recently chaired an Emergency Planning meeting where major support groups are ensuring they are ready to respond to any increase in demand during the winter months


He noted activities planned for Silver Sunday on 4 October, celebrating older people within the District, and highlighted that a full analysis of grants provided by the Cabinet Grants Panel over 5 years is expected when the new strategy is presented at the next meeting.


A Member noted that the human and financial cost of fighting Covid19 is huge and asked for confirmation that the Council will do all it can to minimise that cost. In response the Cabinet Member noted the significant impact of the pandemic on all elements of society, paying tribute to local communities and the voluntary sector who have responded. He agreed that the Council must remain focused on delivering core services and work closely with partners to beat the challenges.


Report of the Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning and Economic Growth


The Cabinet Member noted that the Council working with Turning Tides and Worthing Homes submitted a bid to The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government for the Next Steps Accommodation Programme and has been awarded £38,170 which will be used to meet the costs of winter pressures and start up costs helping rough sleepers into private accommodation. He also noted that there have been 58 affordable housing completions this year and thanked Clarion Housing for their assistance during the pandemic in providing properties to be used as ad-hoc temporary accommodation for those in need.


He confirmed that the Council’s technical response to the current planning system has been submitted to Government and work is continuing on the response to the planning white paper due at the end of October. In response to a Member’s question on the Council’s infrastructure funding statement on s106 and CIL due in December, he confirmed it will just be on S106 agreements and he agreed to provide a further update in writing.


Report of the Cabinet Member for Customer Service


The Cabinet Member confirmed that the Full Fibre Programme has begun in Burgess Hill and all residents affected have been contacted. She confirmed that Mid Sussex Matters will be delivered to residents in November and that a large number of Mid Sussex Applauds Awards nominations have been received.  She acknowledged the large number of business grants, and exceptional hardship monies that have been awarded and the test and trace support payment scheme which began on 28th September for those required to self-isolate and meet the benefit linked eligibility criteria.