Agenda item

To receive the Leader's Report


The Leader noted that as the Council approaches the final 6 months of the administration it is confident and can look back at very significant achievements for the benefit of local communities.


He noted his recent meetings with the Lindfield and Cuckfield Rotary Club, The MidSussex Older Peoples Council and the planned meeting with the University of the Third Age which provides him the opportunity to share the work of the Council.


He noted that strategic partnerships continue to be vitally important and he recently attended the Transport for South East Shadow Board meeting, which continues to make good progress in formulating its case to Government. He has also met with Leaders from the Greater Brighton Economic Board prior to their next meeting and one of their main priorities is to establish its ambitions for the next 5 years.


With regard to the Homes England Masterplan work, he noted the significance and importance of recent decisions made by Cabinet. Work to bring forward detailed plans can progress at pace and it is another step in ensuring the delivery of the District Plan and underpinning the Land Supply position.


The Leader addressed the funding issues recently outlined by West Sussex County Council and acknowledged that saving £146m over the next 4 years is a challenging position. He noted that the proposals will potentially have an impact on Mid Sussex District Council’s budget and an element of cost transference is unavoidable and could possibly result in a negative impact on some of the most vulnerable in our communities.  He confirmed that the Council will look at the possibility of collaborative working, however the main issue is the scale of the savings required and the wider implications of Government funding for social care and other key support services.         


The Leader concluded his report with confirmation that he has today signed off a press release following the receipt of a letter from the Rt. Hon Anne Milton MP, Minister for Apprenticeships and Skills agreeing the need for 6th Form provision in Haywards Heath at the Harlands Road College site.  He drew Members attention to the instrumental work carried out by the Chief Executive and Assistant Chief Executive in making the case to government for the re-establishment of educational use on this site, and acknowledged that it would also not have succeeded without the support of the Rt. Hon. Sir Nicholas Soames MP who has         championed the case at the highest level. He recognised the support of West Sussex County Council, Jonathan Sharrock at Coast to Capital and Adam Tickell at Sussex University, with their support, the business case made a compelling argument.


With regard to the next steps he confirmed that there will be a competitive bid process whereby existing providers will be invited to put forward their proposals for running the site. This process will be led by the FE commissioners and should come to a conclusion by early 2019.


In response to a Member’s query regarding joint working and the support of local Members for the Northern Arc Masterplan going forward, the Leader noted that a governance hierarchy is in place (including the Parish Liaison Group, Steering Group and Governance Board).


A number of Members expressed their congratulations for reaching this key stage in establishing 6th form provision in Haywards Heath and discussed the need to continue with a strong voice to Ministers in light of the ongoing funding issues and potential risks to the most vulnerable in society.

In response to questions from Members, the Leader concluded that he understood that the sports fields on the college site have certain protected rights for use by Harlands School, and the Council would support this continuing. He also noted that there is significant interest from the Education sector in a variety of schemes that the Council is working on within the district, and in particular the work with the Sussex University, which highlights that the sector is keen to tap into the skills of the young people within the area.