Agenda item

DM/19/2197 - Land West of Copthorne Way, Copthorne, RH10 3RX


Steve Ashdown, Team Leader for Major Developments and Investigations highlighted the Agenda Update Sheet including the rewording of condition 5 and additional informative regarding Gatwick Airport.  He introduced the report for construction of a B8 building, associated hard and soft landscaping, including parking, access and ancillary works.  He noted that a full application is being sought as the proposed building does not conform to the parameters in respect of the floor space and overall height as set out in the consented outline planning permission.  The design and materials to be used will match the consented application of Phase 1 commercial and the visual impact will be limited as it will be shielded by the other building and existing vegetation.  He highlighted that it is considered that the application does comply with the Development Plan, when considered as a whole.


The Chairman read a statement from Councillor Phillips, Ward Member for Copthorne and Worth, who opposed the application.  He stated that St. Modwens had suggested that the commercial area of this site was to be for small to medium local businesses.  In his opinion the use of the site to provide suitable provision for local businesses would provide more jobs at higher wages which would benefit the local economy and generate less large traffic movements.  It was difficult for local businesses to expand due to the lack of available sites. 


A Member queried the consented roundabout, access to the site and the residential development.  The Team Leader confirmed that consent for phase one had agreed three units or one larger unit.  He believed that one larger unit was the applicant’s preferred option. He noted that all road infrastructure would be funded by the applicant.  


With regard to concerns from Members about the increased height of the building, the Team Leader advised the Committee that the maximum ridge height would be 15ms. He noted that views from the residential development of the building would be limited due to changes in topography and would be broken up by the existing vegetation, which had increased in height since the original survey had been completed.   To address comments relating to any impact on residential amenity, he confirmed that in the outline planning permission for the wider development a condition requires the developer to provide details of scheme to mitigate future residents from noise associated with the commercial buildings. The main concern would be noise from use of the access road and it was noted that there are no restriction to the commercial site’s hours of use.  There was no restriction on the existing consent and it would be unreasonable to require them on this application. He confirmed that Environmental Health were content and the developer should mitigate vehicle noise through glazing and ventilation.  He concluded that the classification of B8 was considered appropriate for this location.


Several Members agreed the good location of this site with the provision of new infrastructure and the proximity to Gatwick.  Another Member noted the comments by the Parish Council on traffic congestion.  In response to questions the Team Leader confirmed the commercial and residential traffic would be split and that no commercial traffic will need to enter the residential element of the wider development.

A Member reminded the Committee that at Annual Council Members were advised that most revenue in Mid Sussex comes from small businesses.  He noted that there is a lack of premises for them to use and the change of classification from B1 to B8 is significant.  The Team Leader advised that the approved outline application was for B1 or B8 use and up to 15,500sq ms and the site could be used for either classification or a mix of both.  This application was acceptable in context of the consented site.


Another Member thought the houses would be shielded from the motorway by existing trees and workers could access the site using the bridge from Forge Wood.  The Team Leader advised that 90 jobs could be provided by this application with more from Phase one.  He confirmed that there was provision through the outline planning permission for footpaths and cycle links, with a  new link along the  A264 to Copthorne, a link along  Shipley Bridge Lane as well as upgrades to the paths that across the site.  Furthermore, an application was due to provide a connection to Copthorne Road (A2220) that would enable access to Three Bridges.  The application would provide 26 cycle parking spaces, and 7 electric charging points. He noted that planning department had no control to ensure the applicant provided showers facilities.  The Team Leader confirmed that the agent was at the meeting and had heard the Member’s concerns with regard to the lack of proposed shower facilities.  The agent would feed this back to his clients and it was up to any future occupier to include in the scheme. 


The Chairman reminded the Committee that there was only a moderate increase in the height and floor space. The application would provide 90 jobs and as the building would be well screened it would not have an adverse effect on the area.


The Vice-chairman thanked the Team Leader for his report.  He stated that the application met the principles of development for design and layout, diversity and sustainability, and highway and parking.  The access road was expected to be adopted by West Sussex.  There were no material adverse considerations for the scheme and it complied with nine District Plan policies. 


As there no further questions the Vice-chairman proposed a motion that the Committee approve the application which was seconded by Cllr Peacock.  This was approved unanimously.




That permission is to be granted subject to the conditions listed in Appendix A and amendments as listed in the Agenda Update Sheet.


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