Issue - meetings

Budget Management Progress Report April - December 2021.

Meeting: 14/02/2022 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Budget Management 2021/22 - Progress Report April to December 2021. pdf icon PDF 608 KB


Peter Stuart, Head of Corporate Resources introduced the report noting the modest recovery of the economy in the District.  An overspend of £314,000 is forecast, this is dependent on a continued positive consumer outlook which may be impacted by increased energy costs and price / wage inflation. He noted that the 2021/22 salary claim had not been finalised and the extra funding from the Government for New Burdens; this funding is not ring fenced and goes to Specific Reserves.


The Leader welcomed the report which highlighted that the Council has used tax-payers’ money to support services for local residents.


The Cabinet Member for Customer Services queried the above target receipts for commercial rents and the impact of potential increases in interest rates.


The Head of Corporate Resources confirmed the Estates Team had completed the rent reviews for all properties and the report has allowed for any potential increase in interest rates.


The Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning welcomed the continued purchase of temporary accommodation.


As there were no further questions the Leader took the Members to the recommendations which were agreed unanimously.




Cabinet recommended to Council for approval:

(i)    that the use of the JE/Redundancy Specific Reserve be amended as detailed in paragraph 26;

(ii)  that £200,000 be transferred to the Efficiency Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 27;

(iii)  that £11,193 grant income relating to New Burdens LA Data Sharing Programme and the Housing Benefit Award Accuracy Initiative be transferred to Specific Reserves as detailed in paragraphs 28;

(iv) that £63,409 grant income relating to Self Isolation Administration costs be transferred to Specific Reserves as detailed in paragraphs 29;

(v)  that £100,500 grant income relating to Discretionary Self Isolation be transferred to Specific Reserves as detailed in paragraphs 30;

(vi) that £25,000 grant income relating to Rough Sleeping RSI 4 be transferred to Specific Reserves as detailed in paragraphs 31;

(vii) that £100,100 grant income relating to New Burdens 4 Restart and Additional Restrictions Covid-19 be transferred to Specific Reserves as detailed in paragraphs 32;

(viii) that £18,600 grant income relating to New Burdens 5 Post Payment Assurance, Reconciliation and Debt Recovery be transferred to Specific Reserves as detailed in paragraphs 33;

(ix) that £59,093 grant income relating to Covid-19 Test and Trace Contain Management Outbreak Fund (COMF) be transferred to Specific Reserves as detailed in paragraphs 34;

(x)  that £70,000 grant income relating to Economic Recovery Fund be transferred to Specific Reserves as detailed in paragraphs 35;

(xi)  the variations to the Capital Programme contained in paragraph 44 in accordance with the Council’s Financial Procedure rule B3.

To note:

(xii) the remainder of the report.