Browse meetings

Current committees

Calendar of Meetings
Dates of all upcoming council and outside body meetings.

Forward Plans
Details of the forward plans published by the council, which list the key-decisions that are planned to be made over the next three months.

Decisions by Cabinet, committees, etc or Officer Decisions
Search for past decisions taken either by the council’s decision making bodies (such as Cabinet) or by council officers.

Search Documents
Use keywords to search for documents relating to any particular issue you may be interested in.

Use the below links to access agendas and minutes of previous meetings for particular committees, as well as officer reports that were discussed. For virtual meetings, a link will be provided to a live-stream of the specific proceedings, hosted via the Council’s official YouTube channel and available through the Council's Facebook video page.

Within 10 days of each meeting, the Council publishes minutes and these will sit alongside the a full recording of the meeting. Minutes are not a verbatim record, they are a summary of meeting deliberations and resolutions.

Copies of minutes and reports can be obtained from Member Services. A fee is charged for this service, please see the FOI/EIR charges document on the Council's main website for current charges : ( Please email or telephone 01444 477003 for further information.