Councillor Cavan Wood

Profile image for Councillor Cavan Wood

Party: Liberal Democrats

Political grouping: Liberal Democrats

Ward: Lindfield

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
c/o Mid Sussex District Council
Oaklands Road
Haywards Heath
RH16 1SS

Bus. phone:  07391134566


Download Councillor Cavan Wood contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 08/05/2023 -

Additional Information

I became a councillor to serve and represent my community and party.  I have been a parish councillor in Lindfield since 2019 and was re-elected to this as well.

I have convened the Climate Change action group as well as being on the environment and the planning committees. I am a member of All Saints Lindfield, being on the church council. I am also chair of the Tiger Cubs preschool committee.