Issue - decisions

DM/20/2937 - Kingsland Laines, Reeds Lane, Sayers Common, Hassocks,West Sussex, BN6 9JG

25/11/2020 - DM/20/2937 - Kingsland Laines, Reeds Lane, Sayers Common, Hassocks, West Sussex, BN6 9JG

Steven King, Planning Applications Team Leader, introduced the report which sought planning permission to amend the provision of dwellings on an approved housing site at Steven King,Planning Applications Team Leader, introduced the report which sought planning permission to amend the provision of dwellings on an approved housing site at Kingsland Laines in Sayers Common to deliver a greater number of two and three bedroom properties and a reduction in the number of four and five bedroom properties. The proposal would increase the number of dwellings that would be provided in this redesigned part of the site from 27 to 40, resulting in a net increase of 13 dwellings.


Cllr Bob Sampson, Hurstpierpoint and Sayers Common Parish Council, spoke in objection of the application.


Sam Sykes, agent of the applicant, spoke in favour of the application.


A Member stated that it was good to have more two- and three-bedroom houses in the area which young people can afford.


A Member said he was assured that electric vehicle charging points will be put in for the development and the issue with the storage of the properties’ waste bins have been addressed. He expressed a serious concern with the sewage of the site as was aware of shortcomings within his own ward from Southern Water.


The Chairman noted the original application which stated that there would be an upgrade to the pump station and hoped that this would be carried out before the houses are constructed.


A Member also expressed concerns about Southern Water and requested concrete commitments that they can cope with the additional sewage as he was aware of shortcomings from Southern Water in Crawley Down.


The Planning Applications Team Leader confirmed that there are 33 proposed electric vehicle charging points. He outlined that regarding surface water, the developer has reassessed drainage calculations for the application. He drew Members attention to the fact that the amount of built form and hardstanding in the replanned area was very similar to the previously approved scheme. He stated that the Councils drainage engineers have looked carefully at the replanned area and are satisfied that the scheme can be properly drained. Regarding foul water, he explained that Southern Water are the statutory body responsible for providing foul drainage and they have stated that they can take the additional demand and the Committee would have to take their commitment at face value. He stated that the Supreme Court has confirmed that developers have an absolute right to connect to the foul drainage system and that if further works are required then this can be dealt with by a planning condition.


The Member requested that a condition be added to the application to ensure that the improved pumping station be operational before any houses are occupied to prevent sewerage backing-up into people’s homes as what occurred in his own ward.


The Planning Applications Team Leader directed Members’ attention to P.172 which covers the drainage details. He added that drainage details for the site have already been approved under the existing scheme and the drainage condition requires details of the effect of this proposal.


A Member felt that it was good to see developers providing more realistic houses in their developments.


The Chairman took Members to the vote to approve the application, which was proposed by Cllr Coe-Gunnell White and seconded by Cllr MacNaughton.


A recorded vote was carried out by the Legal Officer and the application was unanimously approved.






G Allen




R Cartwright




E Coe-Gunnell White




J. Dabell




A. MacNaughton




G. Marsh




C. Phillips




M. Pulfer




D. Sweatman









That permission be granted, subject to the completion of a section 106 planning agreement to secure the necessary affordable housing and infrastructure contributions and the conditions listed at Appendix A and the additional conditions listed in the Agenda Update Sheet;






That if the applicants have not submitted a satisfactory signed S106 Legal Agreement/or legal undertaking securing the necessary infrastructure payments by the 4th February 2021, then permission be refused at the discretion of the Divisional Lead for Planning and Economy, for the following reason:


1. The application fails to comply with policies DP20 and DP31 of the Mid Sussex District Plan in respect of the infrastructure and affordable housing required to serve the development.