Issue - decisions

Performance Outturn 2018/19

29/07/2019 - Performance Outturn 2018/19

Peter Stuart, Head of Corporate Resources, introduced the report which set out the Council’s outturn performance for the year 2018/19, analysed using a suite of previously agreed performance indicators. He outlined that performance has overall been positive with 80% of indicators meeting or exceeding their target compared to the previous years’ which only achieved 65%. He set out the indicators which were slightly off target and the resolutions to improve them, naming Customer Services response and staff sickness rates as just a few which have improved. Members’ attention was also draw to the new performance indicators for sustainability and economic development.


The Leader stated that it is a positive outlook which demonstrated a strong level of performance across the services areas and gives the Council more financial strength than in previous years. He added that this good performance hasn’t happened by accident, with changes and investments in services tailored to improving the quality of the services provided.


The Deputy Leader expressed that performance has been good. She believed that the target and performance indicators are challenging, of a high quality and relevant and are kept relevant through the scrutiny process. The new indicators allow the Council to continue to monitor performance.


The Cabinet Member for Community acknowledged the efforts of Sussex Police which made Mid Sussex the safest place to live in West Sussex. He appreciated that anti-social behaviour is still present in Mid Sussex however efforts by the Council are starting to come to fruition. He also drew attention to the Mid Sussex Wellbeing service which has helped 313 clients lose weight, be more active, drink less and smoke less. 


The Cabinet Member for Economic Growth commended the report. He sought clarification on whether the 6.3% return on the Council’s tenanted non-residential property portfolio was a good target for a return. He also questioned whether the drop in attendance levels to the Council’s leisure centres could be attributed to the improvement works carried out at the leisure centres.


The Head of Corporate Resources explained that the Council does not have a target for the rate of return on the Council’s property portfolios because the return will vary from day to day, so it would be hard to quantify due to the fluctuations.


The Cabinet Member for Economic Growth requested to have information on whether the fluctuations are positive or negative.


The Assistant Chief Executive expressed her satisfaction with the attendance figures. She did note that the figures are subject to fluctuations depending on a variety of factors such as improvement works.


The Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning reminded the Cabinet of the ongoing challenges of homelessness and drew attention to the increase in households who are homeless to 51, up from 37 last year. He also drew attention to the Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme which was targeted to reach 75 people, however helped 102 households and highlighted the need for the scheme in the District. He expressed that despite working hard to prevent homelessness, this was becoming increasingly challenging with increasing numbers.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Service Delivery welcomed the report and the flagship activities 2018/2019. He sought assurances from officers that the ongoing actions and outstanding issues will be addressed in the subsequent reports to the Cabinet.


The Head of Corporate Resources stated that he would provide the final reports on completed flagship activities and outstanding issues in following reports to the Cabinet.


The Leader took the Cabinet to recommendations which were agreed unanimously.




Cabinet noted the report and recommended that the further reporting on rate of return on the Council’s property portfolios be added to subsequent reports.