Issue - decisions

Nominations for Committees 2019/20

06/06/2019 - To receive and note the nominations to the following Committees for 2019/20. (To Be Tabled)

The Chairman introduced the report and referred Members to the tabled nominations to committees.


As there were no questions, the Chairman took Members to the recommendations in the report which were agreed unanimously.




That the appointment of Members to Committees as set out below be noted:



AuditCommittee(7 Members)


Anne Boutrup

Chris Phillips

Matthew Cornish

Mike Pulfer

Rachel Cromie

Lin Stockwell

Simon Hicks




Licensing Committee (15 Members)


Graham Allen

Anthea Lea

Peter Chapman

Clive Laband

Rachel Cromie

  Gary Marsh


Lee Gibbs

Samantha Smith

Ian Gibson

Neville Walker

Janice Henwood

Roger Webb

John Dabell


Norman Webster

Jim Knight




LicensingSub CommitteeA (5 Members)

Graham Allen

Anthea Lea

Janice Henwood

Gary Marsh

Jim Knight




ScrutinyCommitteefor Housing and Planning and Economic Growth (15Members)

Richard Bates

Sue Hatton

Margaret Belsey

Simon Hicks

Paul Budgen

Clive Laband

Paul Brown

Julie Mockford

Rod Clarke

Adam Peacock

Emma Coe-Gunnell White

Neville Walker

Rachel Cromie

Roger Webb

Robert Eggleston



ScrutinyCommitteefor Community, Customer Services and Service Delivery(15 Members)


Liz Bennett

Anthea Lea

Anne Boutrup

Gary Marsh

Peter Chapman

Julie Mockford

Benedict Dempsey

Mike Pulfer

Sandy Ellis 

Samantha Smith

Ian Gibson

Alex Sparasci

Janice Henwood

Dick Sweatman





ScrutinyCommitteefor Leader, Finance and Performance (15Members)


Graham Allen

Jim Knight

Alison Bennett

Andrew Lea

Heidi Brunsdon

Chris Phillips

Roger Cartwright

Mike Pulfer

Phillip Coote

Lin Stockwell

Rachel Cromie

Colin Trumble

Anne Eves

Rex Whittaker

Rodney Jackson



District Planning Committee(12Members)


Richard Bates

Adam Peacock

Peter Chapman

Robert Salisbury

Emma Coe-Gunnell White

Dick Sweatman

Sue Hatton

Neville Walker

Rodney Jackson

Roger Webb

Clive Laband

Rex Whittaker


Planning Committee(12Members)

Graham Allen

Robert Eggleston

Paul Budgen

Andrew MacNaughton

Roger Cartwright

Gary Marsh

Emma Coe-Gunnell White

Mike Pulfer

Phillip Coote

Dick Sweatman

John Dabell

Neville Walker



Standards Committee (6 MSDCMembers)

Alison Bennett

Heidi Brunsdon

Liz Bennett

Rod Clarke

Pete Bradbury

Anne Eves