Agenda item

Budget Management 2018/19 - Progress Report April to December 2018


Peter Stuart, Head of Corporate Resources introduced the report.  He drew Members attention to the unpredictable nature of income streams and advised that large sums of income had been received from two planning applications.  The allocation of these funds was highlighted along with the variations in the capital programme and the local property fund.  The Head of Corporate Resources noted that more income was generated than previously expected resulting in a budget surplus.


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance noted a good report and supported the proposed use of the surplus funds.  She commented that the Council must invest for the future, make best use of and get value for money to make a prosperous environment for residents.


The Cabinet Member for Community confirmed that housing adaptations had provided a better quality of life which had allowed residents to remain in their own homes, which had improved their quality of life and helped discharge people from hospital.  He noted that many residents use the Council’s parks.


The Cabinet Member for Service Delivery welcomed the report and the proposal to make good use of any underspending on specific projects.  The parks are well used and the improvements would enhance them.  He noted the seamless implementation of the upgrade from pay and display to cashless parking which was well received by users.  He also commented that the padel tennis court at The Triangle should be operational this summer.


The Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning commented on the unpredictability of income and that several large planning applications had resulted in extra income which was good for the residents of Mid Sussex. 


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Growth commented that the Council was making good use of their resources for key projects in the community.  He noted the scale of the projects undertaken across the region and highlighted the acquisition of temporary housing.  He thanked Estates and Housing Services for their work and stated these acquisitions would provide good quality secure accommodation in Mid Sussex which would help homeless families get back on their feet more quickly.


The Leader stated that the report showed how the budget set last year had been managed and allowed Members to track and understand the evolving plan.  The management of the Council’s finances was vital and how the money was used in providing key services in the community was very important. The report demonstrated that the Council is flexible and well managed.


The Leader highlighted recommendation (viii) and as no more Members wished to speak took them to the recommendations contained in the report, which were agreed unanimously.




Cabinet resolved to recommend to Council for approval:


(i)           That £16,684 be transferred to Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 21;

(ii)          That £2,786 be transferred to Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 22;

(iii)          That £90,000 be transferred to Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 23;

(iv)         That £18,873 be transferred to Housing Needs Survey specific reserve as detailed in paragraph 24;

(v)          That £15,830 be transferred to Specific Reserve as detailed in   paragraph 25;

(vi)         That £340,000 of the revenue underspend be transferred to Specific

Reserves as detailed in paragraph 26

(vii)        The variations to the Capital Programme contained in paragraph 46 in

accordance with the Council’s Financial Procedure rule B4.


To note:


(viii)        The remainder of the report.


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