Agenda item

Update to Licensing Committee on Licensing of Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles.


Jon Bryant, Senior Licensing Officer introduced the report which updated the Committee following amendments to the Taxi Licensing Policy after adoption of the Statutory Standards and a general update on other ongoing developments.  He noted the adoption of the Statutory Standards had introduced several additional checks and requirements to the Licensing Team and the Licensed Trade.  These included the rollout of the introduction of CCTV in vehicles, additional 6 monthly DBS checks, and mandatory Safeguarding and Disability Awareness training.  He highlighted that from 1st  October 2022 the Council Vehicle Livery Policy for Hackney and Private Hire Vehicles had come into effect, along with the roll out of MSDC mandated door signage for all licensed vehicles. The Department of Transport last issued the Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing: Best Practice Guidance in March 2010; they have now consulted on a revision of the guidance and a revision is due soon.

With regard to the Installation of CCTV  the Licensing Team have completed the data impact assessment and the specifics of the system has been finalised, identified a range of suppliers / installers to meet the specifications.  The list will be sent to the drivers by the end of 2022 with an agreed roll out period. The drivers will have a range of suppliers so they can choose to buy or rent the system, choosing which ever arrangement best meets their financial circumstances.


He advised that the Council would be the data controller for all devices fitted to vehicles licensed by Mid Sussex District Council, footage can only be  downloaded at the Council’s request.  Drivers must now subscribe to the DBS Update Scheme when applying for or renewing their DBS certificate, the Licensing Team are undertaking  six monthly checks on all certificates registered with the Update Scheme, this is about 225 certificates. He noted that once all DBS checks have been completed 480 will have to be checked every six months, nearly all drivers have completed their safeguarding training, and if the training is not completed within the deadline the driver’s licence will be suspended. He confirmed 12 drivers have not completed the training and they were not currently working as licensed drivers.


The drivers have 12 months to complete the disability training, the council are notified once the training is completed.  The take up of the training has been good and if any drivers have not completed the training will not be permitted to driver after the deadline.  The livery policy from 1st October requires Hackney Carriages to be white, this helps with enforcement action and the public to identify them. The mandatory door signs were being rolled out, due to the number that have to be installed they are being fitted by appointment, at drop-in sessions and at the ranks; the roll out will be completed in a couple of months.  The fare increase agreed by the Committee on 28th June 2022 came into effect on 20 September 2022, with the next review due in May 2023.  He confirmed some new licence applications had been received hopefully replacing some drivers who have retired.  The Unmet Demand Survey is expected from the consultants, LVSA at the end October and it will then be reported to the next committee meeting.   The Department of Transport have consulted on the Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing: Best Practice Guidance,the consultation ended on 28 June 2022 and the results will be reported shortly. He confirmed the guidance is not statutory but is there to assist licensing authorities in performing their functions.


The Chairman  thanked the Officer for his  comprehensive report.


Members queried who had access to and how quickly the CCTV recordings could be viewed, highlighting requests from the Police which may be out of hours, how quickly would the roll out of CCTV installation be completed, noted the importance of the disability training, and queried the rate of completion.


The Senior Licensing Officer advised as the data controller only the Council could request to download the recordings, as there will be more than one installer drivers will not be able to review footage from their vehicles,  and the data will be downloaded onto a disc.  Most installers work office hours and when asked the Council  will make efforts to obtain the footage as quickly as possible; he did not believe this would hinder any Police investigations.  In response to Members questions, he advised there had been no feedback from the public on the recent fare increases, once the CCTV suppliers have been identified the installation of CCTV should be completed within six months, this would give the drivers time to fund it and allow time for all vehicles to be fitted.  The disability training  started on 1 February 2022 and the drivers had until 31 January 2023 to complete the course, based on the number of certificates received by the office approximately 60% of the drivers had completed the course.  In November the Licensing Team will write to drivers who have not completed the training to encourage them to undertake the course.  In response to a question from the Vice-Chairman, the Officer confirmed once he was aware the fuel price had dropped below the threshold a communication had been sent to all drivers advising them to stop using the surcharge.


As there were no further questions the Chairman took the Members to a vote on the recommendation which was unanimously agreed.




The Committee noted the report.

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