Agenda item

DM/20/4659 - Land South East of Tiltwood East, Hophurst Lane, Crawley Down, West Sussex, RH10 4LL.


Susan Dubberley, Senior Planning Officer introduced the application for 3 detached dwellings each with detached garages. The site is designated as within the countryside in the District Plan and the site is within 7km of the Ashdown Forest Special Protection Area (SPA) and Special Area of Conservation (SAC).   The Senior Planning Officer noted that the southern edge of the site is contiguous with the built-up area boundary of Crawley Down and as it proposes only three dwellings it therefore complies with policy DP6. The proposal does not result in an incursion into the wider countryside and therefore the quality of the rural and landscape character of this part of the District is maintained, thereby complying with policy DP12.


It was noted as a material consideration that there is extant approval for 2 properties on the site and that there are new houses on the estate from prior applications, as well as other new applications which have been granted.   It was also noted that Worth Parish Council has objected on the grounds of piecemeal development which has resulted in a loss of affordable housing, however this is due to the estate not being under the ownership of one individual.


A Member noted the multiple applications for the site had resulted in more traffic on the lane into Hophurst Road which was of concern to local residents. The Chairman acknowledged the concern but noted that the current application had to be considered individually and no objections had been raised by the Highways Authority.


A Member queried the lack of construction management plan for this application. The Senior Planning Officer confirmed that a plan was not required as it was a small development, and similar applications on site also did not require one in the past. A Member requested that Officers make it clear to the contractors that the site should be kept tidy.


The Chairman took Members to a recorded vote on the item. This was proposed by Councillor Coote and seconded by Councillor Phillips and agreed unanimously.






P. Coote



J. Dabell




R. Eggleston



B. Forbes




G. Marsh




C. Phillips




M. Pulfer




D. Sweatman




N Walker







That permission be granted subject to the following recommendations:


Recommendation A


That planning permission be granted subject to the completion of a section 106 legal agreement to secure the necessary SAMM and SANG contributions and the conditions listed in the appendix.


Recommendation B


That if the applicants have not entered into a satisfactory section 106 agreement to secure the necessary SAMM and SANG payments by 15th October 2021 then the application should be refused at the discretion of Divisional Lead for Planning and Economy for the following reason:


The proposal does not adequately mitigate the potential impact on the Ashdown Forest Special protection Area (SPA) and Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and would therefore be contrary to the Conservation and Habitats and Species Regulations 2010, policy DP17 of the District Plan and Paragraph 175 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


Supporting documents: