Agenda item

DM/19/2242 - Land West of Turners Hill Road, Crawley Down - adjacent to RH10 4HE


Steve Ashdown, Team Leader for Major Developments introduced the report for reserved matters and noted that a Section 106 Legal Agreement has been completed as part of the Appeal process. He highlighted the Tree Preservation Orders on a number of trees adjacent to the site.  The Team Leader confirmed that the access to the site was approved at the outline stage and this was a reserved matters application for the layout, appearance, scale and landscaping of the development. He confirmed that the proposal shared principles established at the outline stage including 15m buffer zones to the Ancient Woodland to the north and south of the site, the general landscaping to the east and west boundaries and the retention of separation distances with existing properties to the east. The Committee were advised that officers considered that the design is in general accordance with the outline scheme, the main difference is the open space in the centre of the site.  He noted there had been some concerns regarding the location of the block of flats to the south of the site and the play area but confirmed that officers were content. He stated that the proposal would provide a policy compliant affordable housing provision  and noted the minor conflict with the number of 2 and 3 bedroom units with the Neighbourhood Plan policy.  However, he noted that overall 77% of the properties would be 1, 2 and 3 bedroom properties and that the overall mix was acceptable in accordance with policy DP30 of the District Plan. The Urban Designer has not raised an objection to the scheme.  It is considered that the proposal complies with the Development Plan when considered as a whole.


            John Hitchcock, Worth Parish Councillor spoke in objection to the application as the reserved matters application does not comply with the District Plan, Crawley Down Neighbourhood Plan and application approved by the Secretary of State (SoS). 


Ian Gibson spoke as a resident with a prejudicial interest and he objected to the application.  He recapped on the planning history of the site, noted the SoS conditions for the design housing mix and the conflict with Crawley Down Neighbourhood Plan. He advised Committee of a mathematical error on page 27 of the report as the % of 2 and 3 bed market units was 66% not the 70% stated in the report.


Lisa Da Silva, agent spoke in support of the application.  She noted that the access was the same as the application granted at appeal, and the application had been revised further after discussions with officers.  She highlighted the buffer zones to the Ancient Woodland, retention of hedgerows, mixed housing types with the inclusion of bungalows and policy compliant 30% affordable housing.


In response to comments from Members the Team Leader confirmed that the fencing along the buffer zone to the Ancient Woodland would be similar to that used in Wychwood Place. With regards to sustainability he also noted that the developer would be using a ‘fabric first’ approach.  The garages would be constructed to allow for the later installation of electric vehicle charging points. 


Members discussed the safety of pedestrians within the development and crossings on Turners Hill Road.  The Team Leader commented that no consultees had raised any issues on highway matters and there will be a path to the rear of the garages for the flats.   


The Chairman recapped on the planning history for the site and he confirmed that two pedestrian crossings will be constructed on Turners Hill Road.  The Team Leader advised that these are covered by a planning condition.  The Chairman referred Members to page 29 of the report and confirmed that the affordable housing mix had been dealt with at SoS level and the Inspector had advised that the mix was acceptable.


Members expressed concern over the contemporary design of the units with a limited pallet of facing materials.  The Team Leader advised that the developer will be creating bespoke designs and highlighted condition 5 which stated that detailed elements of the design and materials would need to be approved by the Urban Designer and officers.  A Member highlighted the adjacent development which had received a design award.


The Chairman advised the Committee that the Mid Sussex Design Guide had not yet been adopted and cannot be relied on as evidence in planning decisions.  He also noted that solar gain would have been advantageous but solar panels /tiles are not included in the design.  The design has a balance between layout and green open space.


A Member asked why there was no access to the Play area from The Pheasantry.  The Team Leader commented that access could not be created by the Developer as it would be across private land, and therefore the use of the land was outside the developer’s control.


As there were no further questions Councillor Walker proposed a motion that the Committee approve the application which was seconded by Cllr Laband, the councillors voted 10 in favour of the motion, with1 vote against.




It is recommended that permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix A

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