Agenda item

DM/19/3138 – Royal British Legion, 30 Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 8DX.


Andy Watt, Senior Planning Officer, introduced the application which sought full planning permission for the demolition of the former Royal British Legion Club building (use class D1) and the erection of an entertainment and community venue (D2 use) in its place. This will comprise a 237-seat theatre, a multi-purpose dance/rehearsal studio, meeting rooms, dressing room/support spaces, foyer spaces and associated café/bar. The proposal also includes landscaping works to the north (rear) and south (front) of the new building and to the alleyway to the east (alongside Cyprus Hall). He drew attention to the Agenda Update Sheet which provided an additional representation from the Council’s Consultant Ecologist and Southern Water, revision to the text of the application details in relation to the car parking and amended conditions 3, 6 and 18.


The Chairman requested that the Solicitor clarify the legal position relating to the ownership of the car park with respect to the application’s removal of five car parking spaces in the public car park.


Jennifer Bale, Solicitor, stated that land ownership issues have no relevance to the decision of the committee and therefore only usual planning considerations can be discussed and taken into account.


Councillor Robert Eggleston, Ward Member, spoke in favour of the application. He drew attention to the extensive public engagement that was carried out to produce a name for what will be a contemporary, modern arts venue. He noted that the loss of the Martlets Hall created a void of a community facility to which the proposed venue is looking to fill. He added that the design of the building will create an attraction to draw people to the town and that the building is acoustically secure to ensure that  the neighbouring properties are not affected by its activities.


Members commended the design of the building.


A Member raised concerns that a waste collection freighter would use the public car park instead of the side access road to collect the waste as he believes that a large freighter would not be able to travel down the road due to its small size.


The Chairman confirmed that when the Council leased the land it was widened to ensure that a waste collection freighter would be able to travel down it.


The Member also raised concerns over the alleyway stairs as it prevents wheelchair users and those who are mobility impaired and suggested that the alleyway be a gentle slope rather than stairs. He also enquired whether an exception can be made to extend the closing time of the venue on New Year’s Eve as he noted that the specified hours of use is 9:00 to 23:00 and on only 6 calendar days of the year until 00:00.


The Senior Planning Officer confirmed that a sloped alleyway was considered during the design stage however the designers took a view that it was not practical to push a wheelchair up the steep slope. He noted that wheelchair and those who have mobility impairments can access the venue via the rear entrance and take the lift to their desired floor. With regard to hours of use, he confirmed that those hours are there to provide flexibility. The Senior Planning Officer also advised that the opening hours would also be subject to separate licencing legislation when the building is opened.


The Chairman noted that no Member wished to speak so moved to the recommendation to approve, proposed by Councillor MacNaughton and seconded by Councillor Philips, which was agreed unanimously.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in Appendix A and the revised conditions set out in the Agenda Update Sheet.


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