Agenda item

DM/18/4979 - Land North of Clayton Mills, Ockley Lane, Hassocks, West Sussex, BN6 8EX


The Chairman noted that a further 3 representations had been received which had been sent to the Committee Members and confirmed that all Members had received the Agenda Update Sheet. He highlighted that one letter noted gypsy and traveller (G&T) provision.  He advised that the G&T sites issue has been dealt with at some length in the report.


Tom Clark, Solicitor to the Council informed the Committee that the site is allocated in the Council’s District Plan and, regarding G&T provision the application is policy compliant.


Steve Ashdown, Team Leader for Major Development & Investigations introduced the report for outline planning application with all matters reserved except for access for up to 500 residential dwellings and land for a two-form entry primary school and community building, land for a bridleway link between Hassocks and Burgess Hill, associated infrastructure including informal open space, hard and soft landscaping, sustainable drainage features and a new site access onto Ockley Lane, and provision of improved pedestrian access across the railway line. 


He drew Members attention to the Agenda Update Sheet and highlighted the changes to Recommendation A. He sought delegated powers for officers to make any minor amendments following negotiations relating to the Section 106 agreements. If any changes are more significant any decisions would be made in conjunction with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman. He noted the update regarding the weight to be afforded to the Policies of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan in the light of the Examiner’s Report which had been received the previous day. 


The Team Leader highlighted the properties adjacent to the site, the listed buildings which include the Grade II* Ockley Manor and the public right of way which runs through the site.  He confirmed the site has been allocated for up to 500 dwellings with provision for a primary school and the site is within the built up area boundary of Hassocks. He noted that open space land to the south of the site is outside the application site and is not in control of the developer. He confirmed that part of a new bridleway to connect Hassocks with Burgess Hill runs through the site and the remainder of the link is the next application on the agenda.


He advised the Committee that the site access would take the form of a priority junction and would include a new footway and bus stop on the eastern side of Ockley Lane. He noted the realignment of a section of Ockley Lane by up to 2 metres which included the removal of a hedgerow/ditch, both of which would be re-provided as part of the scheme.  The Team Leader noted that the application included a number of parameter plans that detail the public open space, land for the primary school and land for potential community building. He confirmed a 10 metre buffer to Mackie Avenue and buffer to the eastern of the site would be secured through these plans.


He noted the heritage assets and advised that the assessment had considered them individually and collectively as a group, and having regard to the statutory legal requirements, the substantial public benefit of the scheme outweighed the less than substantial harm to the heritage assets. He informed the Committee that the applicant is part funding a pedestrian tunnel under the railway line, and there is a condition to limit the level of occupation until the tunnel has been provided.


A Hassocks Parish Councillor spoke in objection to the application.  He was concerned whether the pedestrian only tunnel was sufficient to cater for traffic movement in the future.  He noted the narrow width of Ockley Lane, the safety of the proposed access to the site and the sustainability of the dwellings.


A local resident spoke in objection to the application. She expressed safety concerns over the proximity of access to the site and to the driveway to Hawthorn Cottage. 


A resident of Ockley Manor spoke in objection to the application.  He noted the Inspector’s comments on the location Ockely Manor in relation to the setting of the new development.  He advised that one block of housing impacts directly on Ockey Manor and relocation of the block would negate the issue.  


A local resident spoke in objection to the application.  He expressed concerns with the safety of the access and noted that the residents had commissioned a stage 1 road safety audit which had identified a risk of accidents in Ockley Lane.  He requested that further detailed modelling work be undertaken before a decision was made by the Committee.


A company representative spoke in favour of the application. He noted that the site is an allocated site and following the assessment of the heritage assets Historic England had no objection.  He advised that the impact on Ockley Manor is less than substantial and can be reduced at the design stage, but redesign would delay the early delivery of the school. 


The applicant’s highway consultant spoke in support of the application.  He noted the site access, design and detailed transport assessment by West Sussex County Council.  The problems identified by the road safety audit had been corrected, the access is acceptable and the gateway access will reduce vehicles speeds.


The applicants’ planning agent spoke in support of the application.  He highlighted the public consultations which had led to design changes to mitigate the problems raised. He noted the public benefits and these benefits outweigh the limited harm.


Cllr Dempsey spoke as Ward Member for Hassocks and objected to the application. He expressed concern with the access to the site and the impact on Hawthorn cottage.  He highlighted that Lodge Lane is the primary route to access the A23 and Brighton, which had not had a traffic assessment.  He noted the green infrastructure and buffer zones which should be made a permanent feature and should not be part of any residential gardens. He stated that the fabric first approach of developers, is meeting the minimum standards to reduce carbon emissions and asked for viable solar thermal technology to be incorporated including low carbon technologies.


The Chairman noted that the Committee must follow the judicial process and apply guidance from the law which starts with the District Plan 2018, then National Planning Policy Framework.  He highlighted that the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan now carries more weight.  The site was included in the District Plan by the Inspector during the examination. He informed the Committee that some letters of representation were not relevant to the outline application.


Cllr Hatton, Ward Member for Hassocks said she would speak as Ward Member for Hassocks after the Committee had commented.


Ian Gledhill, West Sussex County Council (WSCC) commented on the separation distance between the proposed access and the access serving Hawthorn Cottage.  He advised that WSCC crossover document is for guidance only and noted the two road safety audits by the developer and the residents had been undertaken.  He stated that the Committee should give greater weight to the audits.  He confirmed that a right turn lane might be better but that the Committee should note that a right turn would be an urbanising feature.  He highlighted that the information on school traffic has been provided by the developer from the evidence base, and provides a robust assessment using a peak capacity assessment, which looked at the clustering of traffic in peak times.  He confirmed that WSCC would need to look at the matter of construction access and the width restriction before the development starts..


Several Members expressed concern over the junction, access to the site and speeding vehicles, and a Member was concerned that there could be coalescence between Burgess Hill and Hassocks.


The Chairman highlighted that the access has been discussed before and that the Committee must balance the Committee’s view with that of the experts, and traffic movements will change in the future.  He noted that the site is a rural area and access is via a rural road, and to make the suggested junction by some Committee Members will urbanise the area. He highlighted that WSCC have no concerns with the junction.  He reminded the Committee that they were focussing on transport matter and there were other issues to be discussed with this application


The Team Leader confirmed that officers must follow the detailed evidence, received with the application which has been considered at some length.   He noted that WSCC has not advised that a right hand turn lane is required, and this would urbanise the area.  He stated that the realignment of the lane by 2 metres will enable a wider verge on the western side of the lane. He commented that the evidence received for the proposed scheme concluded that it is acceptable.


In response to a Member’s question the Chairman advised that fast electric charging points are a reserved matter and the Council must apply the existing policies relating to energy efficiency.


Sally Blomfield, Divisional Leader for Planning and Economy advised the Committee that Policies DP11 and DP39 of the District Plan seek where possible and feasible improvements to sustainable design and construction.  She advised that the Examiner’s report recommended amendments to the policy in the Neighbourhood Plan to remove the prescriptive elements.  She also confirmed that the proposed planning condition 14 states that a sustainability report must be received. 


Cllr Hatton, Ward Member for Hassocks noted that the site has potential for a thriving and well planned community.   She expressed concern with the approved access and advised that 500 houses would urbanise the area more than a right hand turn junction.   She requested that the decision be deferred for the highway matters to be looked at again.


The Chairman expressed his concern regarding the footpath link to the tunnel. 


Ian Gledhill confirmed that a standard access has been planned and is based on the standards used for trunk roads. In respect of the two independent safety audits, only one has raised some concerns, but the report only advised to consider a right hand turn if it was necessary.  Funds would be received for mitigation measures to Ockley Lane, a contribution to reduce the speed for the derestricted section, and two vehicle activated signs.  He noted that the Committee recognise that forward visibility will be improved and the wide verge will improve south bound visibility to this junction.  He commented that a right hand turn would significantly widen the carriageway to approximately 3.5 metres, and there was strong evidence that the junction will meet the existing habits of Hassocks and the school site and will meet the local need.


In response to the Chairman’s question Ian Gledhill noted that if a right hand turn was added to the scheme lighting could be provided by an extension to the existing street lighting system as illuminated bollards would be required at the ends of the refuges.


Several Members queried the figures provided for traffic movements from outside the Hassocks area and the Chairman advised that WSCC Education Department have data for pupil planning scenarios.


The Vice-Chairman noted the Committee’s concerns regarding the access and highway.  The committee must take into account the advice of the designated Highway Authority on the access; which has been assessed against the national standards laid out in their Manual for Roads and Bridges. 

Cllr Hatton proposed a motion to defer the decision as the access needs further investigation and it was seconded by Cllr Bates.


The Chairman asked Ian Gledhill if the subsequent decision by WSCC was likely to be different.  He replied that he did not believe their opinion would change.


As there were no further questions the Chairman took the Committee to the motion to defer the decision, the 8 Councillors voted in favour of the motion, with 3 votes against.




The application is deferred because the highway access needs further investigation.

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