Agenda item

DM/18/4541 - Land East of Haywards Heath Road, Balcombe, RH17 6NL.


Andrew Morrison, Senior Planning Officer introduced the application for the erection of 16 dwellings and associated development and drew Member’s attention to items contained in the Agenda Update sheet, including the recommended additional pre-occupation condition. He noted that the application had previously been presented to the Committee and had been deferred awaiting further information on three issues. It is now the Officers recommendation that the three issues (Section 106 agreement, highway safety matters and design considerations) have been suitably addressed. Plots 15 and 16 have been redesigned following comments from the Council’s Urban Designer and a footpath has been created to connect to an existing footpath to the north of the site. The Senior Planning Officer drew Member’s attention to Condition 13 which requires the footpath section within the site boundary to be completed in accordance with details submitted for Council approval prior to occupation of the development. He also noted that the scheme incorporates 2 parking barns and the applicant has submitted parking schematics to illustrate safe parking manoeuvres within these areas.


Councillor Nicky Gould spoke on behalf of Balcombe Parish Council noting that a number of issues remain unchanged. She requested that provision is made for a pedestrian island to aid crossing Haywards Heath road and that a negotiated path be made a condition in order to provide a better through route within the development. Sue Taylor and Mark Preston-Bell spoke in objection on the grounds of design issues and a lack of renewable energy and disabled access housing onsite. They reiterated a request for the pedestrian island, and requesting that at least 2 disabled access homes be included in the development. Christopher Hough spoke in support of the application noting that the applicant had addressed the three elements of concern raised at the previous committee.


Prior to debate, the Chairman noted the three prior reasons for deferral and urged Members to focus on these elements. He also drew their attention to p.39, Condition 16 regarding adaptable dwellings and Condition 13 regarding the footpath. In reference to the road sign noted in the Agenda Update sheet, he acknowledged that Balcombe Parish Council owned the sign which sits on highways land and that developer would need to work together with all parties to successfully relocate it. Speaking as Ward Member he supported the application and appreciated the car tracking plan provided by the applicant.


The Chairman took Members to the recommendation to approve the application, which was proposed by Cllr MacNaughton as Ward Member and seconded by Councillor Coote. This was approved unanimously.




That planning permission be approved subject to the completion     of a S106 Legal Agreement to secure affordable housing and infrastructure contributions and the conditions set in Appendix A and the additional condition in the Agenda Update Sheet;




That if the applicants have not signed a planning obligation securing the necessary affordable housing and infrastructure contributions by 17th January 2020, then permission be refused at the discretion of the Divisional Lead for Planning and Economy, for the following reasons:


1. 'The application fails to comply with policies DP20 and DP31 of the Mid Sussex District Plan in respect of the provision of affordable housing and infrastructure required to serve the development.'

Supporting documents: