Agenda item

DM/19/1613 - Ashplats House, Holtye Road, East Grinstead, RH19 3EZ.


The application was introduced by Steve Ashdown, Team Leader for Major Development & Investigations who explained the application seeks planning consent, with access, for the demolition of Ashplats House and associated outbuildings and erection of 30 no. residential dwellings (including 30% affordable housing) and access onto Greenhurst Drive. He noted that the area of 1.1 hectares was currently occupied by one large dwelling, with the current access to the site being from Holtye Road, and the site is allocated within the East Grinstead Neighbourhood plan, with allocation for 35-45 dwellings, however, just 30 were part of the application before Members tonight. He spoke regarding concern which has been raised as Greenhurst Drive is a private drive which would provide access to the site, however he explained that road access is not within the Committees responsibility and therefore should not be taken into account.


The Team Leader for Major Development & Investigations explained that Section 106 funds would be used to secure infrastructure and affordable housing, and there were no material concerns to suggest this would be outside of approval.


Patrick Collett and Lucy Sargent spoke against the application. Katie Lamb, representative of the applicants and owners spoke for the application.


The Team Leader for Major Development & Investigations addressed concerns of the public speaker regarding the pumping station used for sewage waste and directed the Committee to Condition 2 which specifically references the requirement for the applicants to further investigate the pumping station’s capacity.


A Member wished to ensure the condition was as clear as possible, as he is in favour of the application but required reassurances that the drainage and pumping station limitations be addressed. It was noted that condition 2 was very clear that if the pumping station was not sufficient, the applicants would not be able to proceed until they put it resolve the issue. A Member asked The Head of Regulatory Services to confirm the condition is clear enough legally.


The Planning Application Team Leader explained that the condition stated that the planning department are required to give their written permission for the development to proceed regarding the solution to the pumping station. He also noted that it would be unreasonable to reject the application based on this, advising Members that government guidance was clear, namely that if an issue can be resolved by imposing a planning condition, then this is what should be done rather then refusing the application; this was agreed by the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and The Head of Regulatory Services.


A Member enquired if tank size should be included in the clause, however the Planning Applications Team Leader advised that the technical details of the tank and means of drainage would be considered by the Councils drainage engineer when the details are submitted to discharge the condition and these would have to be approved before occupation could begin and this would include assessing tank size. 


The Chairman took Members to the recommendation to approve, which was moved by Councillor Sweatman and seconded by Councillor Pulfer. This was agreed with 9 in favour and 2 against.




Recommendation A


That, subject to the completion of a satisfactory S106 planning obligation securing the necessary affordable housing provision and financial contributions towards infrastructure and SAMM mitigation, as set out in the Assessment section below, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix A.


Recommendation B


That if the applicants have not completed a satisfactory signed planning obligation securing the necessary affordable housing provision, infrastructure payments and  SAMM mitigation by the 5th December 2019, then that permission be refused, at the discretion of the Divisional Leader for Planning and Economy, for the following reason:

'In the absence of a signed legal agreement the application fails to deliver the necessary affordable housing, infrastructure and SAMM mitigation required to serve the development and as such conflicts with Policies DP17, DP20 and DP31 of the Mid Sussex District Plan as well as the Council's SPD's entitled 'Development Infrastructure and Contributions' and 'Affordable Housing'.


Supporting documents: