Issue - meetings

Food Waste and Absorbent Hygiene Products- Proposed Collection Trial.

Meeting: 10/02/2020 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Food Waste and Absorbent Hygiene Products - Collection Trial. pdf icon PDF 550 KB


Judy Holmes, Assistant Chief Executive, introduced the report for a one-year trial which will deliver a more sustainable waste service to 3,000 houses across the District. She confirmed that the communication plan for the affected households has been developed in conjunction with West Sussex County Council.


The Leader highlighted recent discussions with Daventry Council who have a similar system.  He noted that their rollout has been better than expected with a good response from the residents.  He commented that 41% of household waste is food and an increase in recycling rates will have a positive environmental impact.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Service Delivery confirmed that there would be no financial implications to the Council for the trial collection and Mid Sussex would be the first local authority in West Sussex to pilot this service.  The pilot aims to increase recycling rates in the trail areas by 8% and will help Mid Sussex to be as sustainable as possible.


The Cabinet Member for Economic Growth congratulated the officers and highlighted the good partnership working with West Sussex County Council.


In response to concerns of the change to 3 weekly collections and overflowing black refuse bins, the Assistant Chief Executive confirmed that during the trial officers and Serco will work with local residents to reduce the black bin waste if this becomes an issue.


In response to the Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning query, Tom Clark, Solicitor to the Council, confirmed an amendment to the recommendations for transparency.


The Cabinet Member for Customer Services asked if Serco would need more vehicles if the trial was successful.  The Assistant Chief Executive confirmed that if the trial was a success the Council will work with Serco to identify and procure the most sustainable and modern vehicles available to support a district wide roll out.




Cabinet agreed to proceed, in partnership with WSCC, with a trial of food waste and absorbent hygiene products collections alongside a restructured residual waste collection frequency as referred to in paragraph 19 across approximately 3,000 properties in three areas in Mid Sussex, commencing in April 2020.