Issue - meetings

Budget Management 2019/20 – Progress Report April to May 2019

Meeting: 08/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Budget Management 2019/20 – Progress Report April to May 2019 pdf icon PDF 90 KB


Peter Stuart, Head of Corporate Resources, introduced the report which reviewed progress on the Revenue Budget, Capital Programme and Treasury Management for 2019/20 and presented a forecast revenue outturn position at the end of May of a projected net underspend of £347,000 against the original estimate. He added that this early in the year, there is an expectation that much will change in the financial year however currently the Council is in a good position to react to any change.


The Deputy Leader reiterated the comments made by the Head of Corporate Resources and expressed that it is the right position for the early part of the year.


The Cabinet Member for Customer Services drew attention to Paragraph 13, P.10 in which it outlines that the Garden Waste income is slightly below target with a further 400 customers required to reach the target. She speculated whether the service needs to be promoted more through the Council’s social media platforms and communication team.


Judy Holmes, Assistant Chief Executive, explained that the Council regularly promotes the scheme and has a campaign that supports its promotion. She expressed her confidence that the target will be met.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Service Delivery sought clarification about the extra cost pressures on the Outdoor Facilities Grounds maintenance outlined in Appendix A, specifically whether the costs arise from salaries of staff or the management of more parks and playgrounds. He also asked for confirmation about the programme for ensuring the safety of the Council’s playgrounds.


The Head of Corporate Resources explained that he did not have the figures however was happy to respond to the Cabinet Member with the exact figures.


The Assistant Chief Executive highlighted the Council’s rigorous inspection scheme to ensure the safety of all of the playgrounds in Mid Sussex.


The Leader commended the stability of the Council which enabled to make the investments contained in the report. He then took the Cabinet to recommendations which were agreed unanimously.




Cabinet noted the report, and recommended to Council;


                      i.        that £17,484 grant income relating to Local Authority EU Exit preparation Grant be transferred to Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 22;


                     ii.        that £9,916 grant income relating to Cold Weather Fund Payment Grant be transferred to Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 23;


                    iii.        that £5,893 grant income relating to Local Authority Data Sharing Programme Grant be transferred to Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 24;


                   iv.        that £28,200 grant income relating to New Burdens Universal credits be transferred to Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 25;


                    v.        that £24,857 grant income relating to Implementing Welfare Reform Grant be transferred to Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 26;


                   vi.        that £756 grant income relating to New Burdens Single Fraud Investigation Service Grant be transferred to Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 27;


                  vii.        that £31,658 grant income relating to New Burdens Verify Earnings & Pensions Grant be transferred to Specific Reserve as detailed in paragraph 28;


                 viii.        the variations to the Capital  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5